He lifted the bottle high. “Need something to take the chill off?” But as soon as the words left his lips, he stopped dead in his tracks. “Holy, fuck, you’re Lorelei. You shouldn’t be here.”

But that had been as far as he’d gotten.

She watched his brain shut down and his instincts take over as his lips parted. His chin quivered, no doubt scenting her, and he dropped both the bottle and the tumbler on the floor, the sound of shattering glass loud in the otherwise empty, massive main room of the lodge.

He marched toward her and because of her ridiculous blood rose curse, she couldn’t move. All she could do was wish for him to hurry up.

She swept her hair away from her neck.

He grunted and lowered his chin, moving faster still, then levitating to catch her up in his arms until he had her pressed against the wall, which was how she’d ended up here.

He licked the length of her neck repeatedly, growling and grunting at the same time, getting ready to strike.

Somewhere in her mind, she knew this was wrong and she wanted Seth, but her brain wouldn’t work. This mastyr needed her help and needed her now


The problem was, sex would follow. She could feel it and she didn’t think she could deny him because she was too far gone.

Seth. She cried out his name telepathically, but dear Goddess what would happen if he found her like this? What would he do to Jude and worse, what would Jude, built on massive lines, do to him?

The door burst open and Seth stood there in profile, not seeing her at first. His clasp was gone, his long hair writhing in a very realm way about his head, his green eyes glowing with rage.

“Jude!” His resonant voice blasted the air in the lodge. “Where the fuck are you?”

“Seth,” she called out to him.

He turned in her direction and the moment he saw her, he became a blur of movement as he reached Jude, grabbed him by the shoulders, and flung him away from her.

Jude flew through the air, landing hard in the center of the space, but at the last moment, he righted himself, levitating at top speed back to Seth.

He, in turn, met Jude midair and the fight was on. Both men threw punches and roared.

At the same time, a couple of dozen fight-loving shifters poured into the room so that Lorelei remained in the shadows.

Several of the shifters punched at the air and shouted encouragement to both men. The shared shifter excitement moved like fire over her skin and jumpstarted her own shifter nature so that white fur sprouted on the backs of her hands and warmed up her throat.

Seth looked magnificent as he swung his fists and struck Jude repeatedly.

She rubbed her throat and fondled her fur ruff. She shouldn’t be so excited, but she couldn’t help it.

Her heart still pounded hard, but for more than one reason now. She’d been ready to feed first Seth, then Jude, which meant she had a super-abundant supply and needed to get rid of at least some of it. At the same time, her interest in Jude had disappeared. She only had eyes for Seth, full of lust and need and desire. Passion rose in a swell of sensation so profound that her breaths came in ragged pulls of air.

However, Seth started to bleed from cuts the punches made as did Jude and neither showed the smallest sign of letting up.

She had to do something or both vampires would end up in a bad state that would take hours to heal and possibly put their current plans in jeopardy.

She reached deep into her prime female power, and a new intense vibration flowed through her. One by one, the shifters in front of her began to settle down, turning in her direction and at the same time creating a path for her. Though the battle raged in the air just a few feet above the floor, and despite how revved up the shifters were, they still obeyed the directive she sent through her frequency.

As both alphas met her gaze, she cried out, “Break up this fight and bring them both down now. Now!”

The alphas summoned their biggest shifters, three each, and a moment later, the men launched at Seth and Jude, ripping them from the death grip they had on each other.

Both vampires were in full-fang, savage as hell, and worse, Lorelei loved it.

While the shifters brought them under control and as both Seth and Jude roared their rage, Lorelei directed Valgus’s men to take Seth outside. She wanted Jude to stay in the lodge, corralled by the shifters until he’d calmed down.

She left the lodge, following behind the three shifters who hauled Seth with them. He struggled and lashed out, making liberal use of his fangs and causing the men nearest him to yelp in pain. But they held tight.