The moment her blood began leaving her body, her internal well began to pull on him all over again, a kind of pleasurable agony she’d never known before. She panted hard as he drank her down, grunting as he fed on her.

A new vibration flowed straight from his cock this time.

Another orgasm poured through her just as he left her neck, rising up, then driving deep, holding her hips as he roared, his voice like a powerful storm inside the small space.

She felt his release and it spurred yet another rise to the pinnacle. She arched her neck, howling and shoving her bottom into him, meeting each thrust of his hips until at last he began to slow, until he’d given her all that he had and her own pleasure finally drifted to a state of sweet euphoria.

* * * * * * * * *

Seth trembled as the last of his orgasm settled down. His cock jerked a few more times, making sure that every drop of his seed was planted deep inside Lorelei.

He felt different than the last time he’d had sex with Lorelei, at the window of his bedroom overlooking the Gorge. At that time, he hadn’t exactly been aware of what he was doing.

This time, he knew precisely what his intention was, to make it clear that she belonged to him now, on a basic realm level, man to woman, to no one else but him.

And she’d known exactly what she was doing when she’d spoken of other men having been inside her. She’d wanted him to lose control and damn him for loving it, that he’d taken her so hard, with such effortless and complete passion, that he barely recognized himself.

As she lowered herself to the fur once more, he went with her. He was big enough to stay inside and he wanted to be there, to stay connected.

Easing down on top of her, she sighed and reached for his outstretched hand, entwining her fingers with his.

The sight of their joined hands gripped his heart as nothing else had in a long time. Even his throat grew tight. Could this be his life? His future?

He’d split into a dozen pieces when his parents and younger brother had died, and a dozen more when he’d been forced to kill his elder brother because he’d become part of a wraith-pair. But that didn’t stop him for longing for the promises that Lorelei’s presence in his realm now made, that maybe he could have a permanent woman in his life, maybe even a family of his own.

With these thoughts, his mating vibration began to hum from deep within his realm soul. The sensation was very distant, like a far off train whistle, so far away that he wondered if he’d really heard it at all.

But in the end, the vibration fa

ded and he sighed.

He set his rational mind to examining his bizarre relationship with Lorelei, to begin creating a variety of boxes into which he stuffed her faeness, her wild shifter side, her connection to the packs of Walvashorr, that she was a blood rose, that he felt so possessive of her, and that she was something called the prime female and he the regis in the volatile shifter community.

His body cooled down with his thoughts. As he drew out of the warm center of her body and stood, his mind turned toward his duties as Mastyr of Walvashorr.

He began to feel more like himself, more in charge, more centered, and yes, more shut off from his emotions.

“Hey.” Her soft, melodious voice rippled through the air, forcing him to turn toward her. She rolled on her side and smiled. “You’re thinking very hard, Seth. Too hard, maybe.”

And that was the real problem, that she only had to smile and part of him got lost in the process, especially his ability to think. He wanted to fall down next to her and pull her into his arms, cradle her, kiss her for maybe the next century.

What was her hold on him that after only a month with her, he could be drawn in so easily?

He looked away planting his hands on his hips and considered his next move. He needed to clean up before he put his clothes back on and found a few wash clothes on a low shelf she’d installed in her den. When he handed her a cloth, she pressed it between her legs and he loved the sight of it, that she had to use it to take care of the seed he’d filled her with. Especially in the shifter community, the scent of sex had a strong marking aspect that helped the males to know what was what. It was also the cause of a lot of warring between different packs when a male or a female crossed the line.

And here was his dichotomy all over again that while he wanted distance he was glad she’d carry his scent.

“So you created a den.” He glanced around. “And you’ve been living here for the past month?” Somehow, he thought she’d rented a house or maybe just a room in one of the nearby hamlets. It seemed odd to him that he hadn’t thought to find out. “Somehow I assumed you were staying with a local troll family.”

“I thought about it.” She started getting dressed, slipping into her low cut bra that pushed her breasts into beautiful mounds. He forced himself to look away as she pulled her shirt on. “But then I knew that in order to do my job right, I should be as close to you as possible. And it served me well to live in my shifter state most of the time because of the nature of these mountains with all these incredible but difficult gorges to navigate.”

The problem of managing even these few belongings struck him. “But how did you get this stuff in here, the shelf, the clothes, the fur blanket?” He picked up his briefs, sliding into them, then into his snug battle leathers. His boots came next, pulling them up to mid-thigh.

She stood up and tossed the washcloth into a small basket by the shelf.

“You even have a laundry hamper.” The whole thing struck him as highly resourceful, one more sign that she’d been on her own for most of her life. She was a woman who knew how to make the best of a situation.

She chuckled and without showing too much embarrassment, slipped into her thong. He avoided watching that part of the show as well because, damn it, he loved the way she looked no matter what she was doing. He would have been attracted to her, blood rose or not. She was a beautiful woman and had a sense of humor that countered his own irascibility. “So, I’ll ask again, how did you get this stuff here?”