She talked about the gallery, the clinic, and finally the night that changed everything for her when Quinlan showed up.

She gave him a mountain of details, especially when he prodded her about the uber powerful wraith-pairs that Margetta had created from disenfranchised mastyr vampires. When a mastyr vampire bonded with a wraith, and became essentially an Invictus wraith-pair, the resulting power was beyond anything even he or any of the other mastyrs could battle effectively. Margetta’s growing use of these extraordinary wraith-pairs threatened all the realms. The second wraith-pair in Loperz Canyon had been exactly that and both he and Lorelei had nearly died because of it. Only through siphoning Lorelei’s power had he escaped the deadly net, and even then, the arrival of the packs had saved both their lives.

She told him in great detail of the night of the attack, of seeing her mother, and how Batya’s enthrallment shield had saved them all.

“You do know that Quinlan almost died during that attack.”

Seth nodded. “I suppose Batya fed him.”

“We both did.”

The muscles in Seth’s chest and arms tightened suddenly. He planted his feet on the bedrock of the spring and stood up, the water hitting him just below his pecs. “You did what?” Despite that Lorelei had helped save Quinlan’s life, a warrior he valued, Seth couldn’t bear the image in his head of Quinlan’s fangs in Lorelei’s throat and drinking from her.

She turned in the water, easing toward him, her eyes glinting with purpose. “Why are you so mad, mastyr? Quinlan was a dying man, and I fed him, gave up my blood for him. You have a problem with that?”

He recognized the shifter-like gleam in her eye, very challenging, and something within him, something very male, responded. He lunged, grabbed her beneath her arms, and hauled her against him.

“You’re not to feed anyone else, got it?”

“I can feed whoever I want, Seth.” She smiled, taunting him. “You’re not my master.”

The use of the word ‘master’, and her push-back attitude, went straight to his groin. He slid a hand down her back to her waist, then lower to fondle her buttocks. He pressed his hips against her so that she could feel him, all of him, and that he was fully aroused.

He shouldn’t be doing this right now. Davido had sent them here to try to make a connection, not for him to sex her up. But her apple blossom scent now perfumed the misty air, so he knew damn well she’d had enough talking.

She was so soft in his arms, a juxtaposition to his tough warrior body, the perfect balance. “You’re mine, Lorelei. All mine.”

He kissed her, sliding his tongue deep, pummeling her mouth and letting her know he was her master whether she liked it or not.

He heard a soft growling sound, very guttural, and drew away from her just enough. Her lips trembled and as he looked down at her throat, he saw that she’d sprouted her thin white ruff of fur.

He buried his nose in her ruff, and drank in her rich sexual scent that had his hips flexing as he pushed against her abdomen.

Without using his fangs, he took her throat in his mouth and held on, shaking her gently, a move more shifter than vampire. He had a sudden image of taking her from behind and holding onto the back of her neck as he plowed into her.

He’d been with a few shifter women before, but he’d never felt this possessive and demanding. Her fingernails found him next, digging into the muscles at his shoulders, and scraping downward just short of drawing blood. The sensation struck home, teasing his balls and sending shock waves the length of his cock.

He wanted her like he’d never wanted a woman in the course of his entire life.

* * * * * * * * *

Lorelei dugs her nails into his flesh and could feel how much he liked what she was doing. For herself, she loved the way he’d clamped onto her throat, not in a vampire fang-hold, much more like a shifter claiming.

Her body roared with need. She wanted to wrap her legs around his waist again and let him use all the strength of his lean powerful body to give her what she craved.

She was in a heightened state, moving along the crest of desire, part blood rose and part prime female, needing her man. But was any of it real? Or were they just two chronically lonely people caught up in a bizarre, realm experience?

Whatever the case, her body demanded release.

But just as she locked her arms around his back preparing to literally jump him in order to take that beautiful length deep inside her, a familiar vibration hit her skin like an electric shock.

At first, she thought perhaps Margetta was nearby. But then she recalled that she’d felt this way in her den when she’d first experienced a communal call through her shifter frequency.

She pushed against Seth’s arms and twisted from the hold he had on her throat.

“What’s wrong?” He looked pained as she climbed onto the spring’s bank.

She shifted to wolf for a brief moment, giving herself a good long shake to get rid of the water, then shifted back to her fae form almost completely dry. “Our time’s up. The packs are about to implode.” She scrambled quickly into her clothes.