With her eyes glinting, she asked, “So how do you want me?”

He ignored the first response that shot into his brain, which went something like ‘flat on your back’.

Instead, he ordered his senses and gave the necessary instructions. “Plant your foot on my left boot. That’s it. Now your arm around my neck.” He drew her tight against his side. “Do you feel secure?”


“Good, because we’ll be moving fast.”

He levitated a foot above the floor and glided slowly to the front door. Once outside with the door shut securely, he shot into the air and headed north toward Big Timber.

* * * * * * * * *

Lorelei experienced two sensations at once, the pleasure of being held against Seth’s body and the odd vibrations that reached her from the north, a continual fiery sensation against her skin. Both called to her in ways unfamiliar to her, though she understood her desire for Seth better than the pack-based frequency that kept pelting her.

How far away are we? She’d never been to Big Timber before and she didn’t know Walvashorr’s geography nearly as well as Seth did.

Five minutes, but you feel very tense. What’s going on?

Lorelei swallowed, her throat tight. I’m not sure. The brigade’s shifter frequency is crawling over my skin, but I don’t know what it means.

Is it painful?


Describe it.

She had to think for a moment. Fiery and chaotic, that’s what this feels like. In fact, it feels like more than one vibration.

How many? Even within her head, Seth’s voice sounded just like him, a mid-range timbre with strong resonance.

I think there are four.

She focused on the vibrations, lowering her chin. Breathing in and out, she began separating the four strands, the source of the chaos. Each frequency strand held a strong emotional element that the shifter part of her tuned into.

She relayed the information to Seth.

Which emotion? Can you define it?

She focused again. Turmoil and ... rage. Yes. Rage, but it’s focused on some kind of territorial issue.

That wouldn’t be a surprise for shifters. Territory is extremely important as you probably already know. And you say there are four strands?

Yes, I’m experiencing four exactly.

Lorelei, our shifter population is made up of four packs. Do you think you’re somehow tapping into each pack’s signature frequency?

I have no idea. Maybe.

During this past month, have you spent much time with other shifters?

No, not at all. Rosamunde sent me to guard you.

Since you arrived, have you felt compelled to enter pack life? Your shifter heritage feels very powerful to me, almost as powerful as the part of you that’s fae.

She needed him to understand. The truth is that I haven’t really found it possible to be engaged in any community. The closest I came was when I lived in Lebanon and served as Batya’s assistant. Before that, I never stayed in one place longer than a year.

I can’t even imagine what that must have been like for you. I’ve lived here my entire life.