He didn’t understand.

Then his mind cleared with a sudden, abrupt start.

Shit, he’d just fucked Lorelei, the fae-shifter-wraith, also part vampire, who had saved his life, who served as his wolf-guardian, and who’d almost died. He’d fed her some broth and buttered bread and somehow thought he had a right to her body.

“Lorelei, I’m so sorry. Sweet Goddess, I hadn’t meant to do this.”

“I know.” Another sigh followed. She said nothing more and for that he was grateful.

There were so many things wrong with this equation that he hardly knew where to begin. He drew back slowly, easing out of her, which created a new problem. After pulling up his briefs and jeans, he took off his t-shirt and handed it to her.

She nodded, a worried frown between her brows as she cleaned up. Sweet Goddess, he’d just had unprotected sex with Margetta’s daughter.

But for just a moment, his mind traveled back a few minutes, to what it had felt like driving into her, his body satiated with the blood from her throat, the orgasm shooting through him like a pleasurable fire, the best sex of his life. Best blood. He put a hand to his stomach again. But this time, no pain.

No pain.

Who was this woman?

He murmured another apology and turned away from her, heading toward his closet. He pulled out another long-sleeved shirt, navy blue this time, and slid his arms into the sleeves, then pulled it over his head.

He felt dizzy. Nausea would probably follow, the usual progression of the chronic blood-starvation that he suffered from as a mastyr vampire.

Still no pain.

Not a single cramp.

No nausea.


He felt … normal. Dizzy in a euphoric way, but normal.


He hadn’t felt this way since before he’d become a mastyr a thousand years ago.

Turning to look at Lorelei, a new terrifying suspicion emerged. “How do you feel right now?” Slowly, he made his way back to her, watching her intently.

She held her hands wide, his t-shirt bunched up in one hand. The long shirt she wore once again hung to mid-thigh. “I feel really good. In fact, I feel wonderful.”

He frowned as he searched her eyes. “You touched your chest before I drank from you. Why?”

She shook her head slowly. “I’m not sure. I was feeling strange. My heart was beating hard. It felt heavy, like I had ... too much … blood. Oh, God, no.”

She’d just drawn the same fucking conclusion.

“That’s what I’ve been thinking.”

She looked horror-stricken. “Seth, this can’t be happening. I can’t be so many species and a blood rose. I’m Margetta’s daughter, for the Goddess’s sake. I can’t possibly belong to you in this way.”

She dropped the t-shirt on the floor then covered her face with her hands.

“I’m sorry.” His voice sounded dull. He didn’t know what else to say to her. He could only stand where he was and stare at her. Lorelei. A blood rose. Sweet Goddess.

She shook her head back and forth several times. “This can’t be happening. I mean I knew I liked you as in really liked you, but?

??” She turned to face the window once more. “The wolves howled. Did you hear them?”