And the more he hungered, the more his thoughts turned to Lorelei asleep in the next room. For reasons he couldn’t explain, from the time he’d settled her in his bed, he’d started to crave her. He longed for her blood and maybe because she lay beneath his covers, he wanted to join her, to feed from her, and to make love to her.

These thoughts, however, he strove to set aside. No good could possibly come from sexing up his bodyguard.

But the cravings remained.

His fingers continued to ply the keys, repeating Clair de Lune.

He still hadn’t completely processed the attack he’d just barely survived. He’d been led into a trap that would have killed him except for two things, that Lorelei had intervened and that somehow she’d summoned his entire Shifter Brigade to come to his rescue. He owed his life to her.

He had so many questions including how Lorelei had actually reached his entire brigade with one long howl.

When he finished Claire de Lune the second time through, he rose from the piano bench. Glancing at the clock on the wall, he saw that it was four-thirty, not long now until full-dark, the month being December and his realm farther north than most. Rosamunde had left him strict orders to awaken Lorelei at this hour, to give her some food, and to talk with her about the recent battle. He was then to keep her close to his side over the next several days. She’d emphasized the latter, that critical events were on the horizon for them both, matters that involved their individual safety as well as the future of the Nine Realms.

Seth smiled wryly. But no pressure.

He went to the kitchen first and poured a cup of steaming beef broth, also recommended by Ro

samunde. The shifter part of Lorelei would always respond to red meat. He added a slab of buttered sour dough bread, then headed down the hall.

As he walked toward his bedroom, a severe cramp took hold of him so that he had to pause and wait for the pain to subside. His cheeks drew inward and saliva filled his mouth. It didn’t help to be smelling the broth.

As soon as he took care of Lorelei, he’d call his doneuse to make sure she was on her way and to put some speed on. At this point, he was in bad shape.

He generally fed twice a day and he’d missed his early morning feeding. Maybe it was his strict exercise regimen, but he seemed to need more donations than the other mastyrs he knew. Right now he was maybe three hours away from falling into a coma, with death taking place not long after that.

Entering the room, he found Lorelei standing in front of the south-facing window which had a long view down the gorge to the Athalia River and the snow-covered forest banking both sides. She wore one of his t-shirts, a black one that bagged over her shoulders and hung to mid-thigh.

His gaze dropped to her bare legs and feet, and like the red-blooded vampire he was, desire rose, but he suppressed it immediately. She looked sexy as hell, which wasn’t helping his cravings at all.

She seemed intent on the view of the river, two hundred feet below his home, rolling fast, visible through a light fall of snow.

“I brought you something to eat.”

She turned, her nostrils flaring. She squeezed her eyes shut as though in pain.

Concern for her bloomed. “Are you still hurting?”

He set the food on the table to the right of the fireplace, near the east window, then hurried over to her, moving to stand next to her.

“I’m fine.” She held up both hands as though to ward him off. She was shaking.

“You’re not fine. Lorelei, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m all healed up. Really, I’m fine.” She turned a shoulder to him, facing the window once more and crossing her arms over her chest.

She was lovely, even in profile, with her hair drawn back behind her right ear. The shape rose to a stunning fae point, with three amethyst studs leading toward the peak. Exquisite.

He had a sudden fantasy of licking along that curve, teasing the folds of her ear, the hard edges of the jewels rubbing over his tongue.

Time slowed to a stop as he watched her staring at the mountain vista once more. And that’s when he caught a faint scent coming from her, something very light. He breathed in, letting the unusual fragrance flow through him. After a moment, he realized her scent reminded him of apple blossoms and once again desire swept through him, so sudden and profound that he barely repressed a groan.

Images sped through his mind of taking from her neck, then carrying her to the bed and having his way with her.

He needed to get himself under control, but her proximity seemed to be taking a sudden and profound toll.

Returning to the table by the fireplace, he gave himself a shake. He didn’t like feeling this edgy and his blood hunger had revved up again.

He took a few deep breaths to calm his body down. He just didn’t understand why he was reacting to her like this, with such immediate need for both her body and her blood?