“I…can’t quite remember. ”

“Have you ever met him? I mean, been introduced?” She shook her head. “No. I don’t think so. ”

“So when did you first see him then?” Vela leaned back just a little and her thoughts began to come together. “I was sitting on the risers when he walked by. ”

“Then what happened? May I ask?” She nodded. “I caught this wonderful scent, almost like chocolate, but very male. ”

“I don’t usually tell people this, but my breh, Warrior Marcus, smells like a field of wild grasses combined with fennel. ” Vela smiled. Havily understood.

Havily knew.

Then she remembered Madame Endelle saying something about the breh- hedden. ”

“This is the breh-hedden,” Vela said, a rush of understanding ripping through her. “Oh, my God. ”

“Very much so. ” Havily held her palms up. “I went through something similar with Marcus during those early days. Luken dragged Marcus off of me and Antony held me back. It was…horrible.

But later, I was completely mortified. I’m saying this so that you’ll know you’re not alone in what you’re probably feeling right now, or what you will soon experience. ” Vela shifted her spidery arm and leg so that now she knelt beside Samuel. Her heart started pounding and her cheeks felt fiery hot. “Oh, my God. No. ” She shifted away from Samuel, who sat up and stared at her not with lust, but with a puzzled expression. The dimming of her possessive, sexual feelings seemed to be having an effect on him.

Havily’s presence had done what otherwise would have been impossible.

She’d essentially stopped them from having sex, in the darkening, right in the middle of the Apache Junction Two Militia Warrior Headquarters workout center.

She scooted back on her knees.

“Warrior Samuel, oh, my God. I don’t know what happened. ” Havily was right about one thing; Vela didn’t know him at all.

And she was mortified beyond words.

He reached his hand toward her but let it fall away before he made contact. “I am so sorry,” he said. “The need of the moment overwhelmed me. Jesus. ” But as she looked into his eyes, the power of the breh-hedden began to descend on her once more, especially as another wave of his erotic chocolate scent swamped her.

His gray eyes grew wild once more.

“Yes,” he said, his gaze smoldering, boring into her. She felt herself falling back into the experience, as though to do anything else would be to defy the heavens.

“Vela,” Havily called sharply.

She drew in a deep breath and shifted her gaze back to Havily. “Oh, dear God. ”

“You’ll be okay. That’s it. Just breathe. And if you can move away, it will be even better for you, or at least easier. ” Vela scooted a few feet back on the mats. She reminded herself that she didn’t know this man and that he was the last thing she wanted in her life: a warrior.

She closed her eyes and forced air deep into her lungs. After a moment, when she opened them, she spoke to Havily.

“Could you give us a minute? We need to sort this out?” Havily nodded and disappeared, though a faint glow, like a trace, remained behind, an after-signature.

“If we’re going to talk,” Samuel said, “I’ll need more distance. I’m barely holding on here because all I can think about is pulling you into my arms. ” She jumped to her feet because if she didn’t she’d let him do whatever he wanted to do.

“Thank you,” he said. He crossed his legs, his kilt looped into his lap. He stared at the black mats on the floor then shaded his face with one hand. “Jesus H. Christ,” he muttered.

She took another step away from him, but couldn’t keep from staring at him. He was incredibly handsome with strong cheekbones angling to an equally powerful jaw. His nose had a slight curve, maybe not as marked as Warrior Santiago’s, but for her much more appealing.

Samuel. The word floated through her mind. She caressed his name again, Samuel.

He looked up at her. Telepathy?

Her cheeks grew warm again. Yes.

You heard me call your name?