“Do you hear that sound?” He listened hard. And there it was.

“Like a very distant explosion. ”

“Yes. The last time, I barely made it out alive. They’re coming for us and they’re coming from the direction of Duncan’s tunnel. I think they must know we’re here. ” When another explosion sounded, closer still, that was all Samuel needed to know. “Get us out of here, Vela. There’s no point in moving forward if they’ve got a fix on us and it seems they do. ” He turned her in a one-eighty, keeping his sword well away from her.

Then her voice was in his head. Samuel, the return route has changed, but I don’t know why. I don’t know if we’re being directed that way, and it’s an ambush, or what?

Remember what Endelle said, go with your gut.

Then I have to change course.

Do it. I’ve been a warrior a long time. Going with your instincts will get you where you need to go, every damn time. You’re connected to this power, so follow its lead.

But even as he said this to her, mind- to-mind, an explosion sounded behind them, much closer this time.

She flowed faster than before, taking tunnel after tunnel. He could feel the dimensional crossing, like a bump in the road, but still they were pursued as another explosion sounded.


She reached the end of a tunnel. A dead end. I don’t know what to do?

What do you see? All he saw was darkness, like a wall of infinite black.

I doorway with a kind of gold seal around it.

Another explosion. Try knocking.

An explosion sounded so close his ears rang.

Fuck that. Samuel, use your sword.

He didn’t pause to ask questions. He summoned his dark power and as his smoky mist swirled around him, he sliced at the wall with his blade and what do you know, an opening peeled back.

A man in long black terry robe, a cigarette in one hand and martini glass in the other, stared back at him and muttered.

“Oh, shit!” Samuel stepped through the opening, dragging Vela with him, turned and faced the breach but he saw nothing just the wall.

But he heard another explosion.

“Fuck. ” Their host said. “The wreckers followed you. ” Samuel turned back to face the robed stranger. “What do we do?” He rolled his eyes, settled his cigarette carefully on an ashtray, placed his martini glass on the coffee table then went to the wall.

Samuel pulled Vela close as another not-so-distant explosion rocke

d the space.

“I could use some help here,” the stranger called out.

Vela went to the wall, and placed her hands on it alongside the man.

“Shit, this isn’t working,” the man shouted.

Samuel’s instincts kicked in and he went to the stranger. He placed his hand on the man’s back and his own power flowed. A kind of zing went through him, into the stranger, and the power amplified about a hundred fold.

Then everything went black.

Sometime later he woke up on his back.

“He’s awake now,” Vela said.