“You’re wasting precious time,” Endelle said. “You know that, right?”

“Keep your panties on,” Samuel snapped. “We’re coming. ” Jesus, was he really talking to the Supreme High Administrator like that? The ruler of Second Earth?

He turned around to apologize, but Endelle only laughed. “Come on, warrior.

Let’s get this next job done. With what you went through in Honduras Two, the least you deserve is a beautiful blond getting your rocks off. ” She waved an arm toward the ceiling of the elevator. “And just so you know, security has been enjoying the show. ”

“Aw, shit. ” He glanced up at the camera and knew a bunch of ascenders were smiling back at him. He didn’t care about himself so much, but it bothered him that Vela was exposed like this. So, he glared at the red blinking light and said, “If I find one hint that you’ve been spreading this around Second Earth, I’ll hunt the last of you down and beat you as close to death as I can get, are we clear?” A voice came over the speaker.

“Erasing the CD now. ”

“Then we have an understanding. ”

“Yes, Warrior Samuel. ” Damn, they even knew his name.

He put his arm around Vela’s shoulder and led her into the hall in the direction of Endelle’s office.

Once inside, he took in the zebra skin rugs, the antique tusks that supported the unpolished marble desk, a fireplace to the left that looked as though it was never used and the full wall of windows that offered a magnificent view of miles and miles of the eastern desert. He loved this land, the dry air, the forever blue skies, the prickly nature of the inhabitants, human and otherwise. Desert living wasn’t for the weak.

He glanced at Vela. Neither was taking on a vast power like Third Earth darkening abilities capable of moving through dimensions. His woman, yes his woman, stood facing Endelle’s desk, her shoulders squared and ready.

He understood something about Vela right then, that she would go the distance.

He knew many Militia Warriors like this, good men and women who he would trust with his life. Most of them would go on to become Section Leaders and they always set the best example for the troops.

“What do you suggest, Madame Endelle?” But the leader of Second Earth just shrugged. “Beats the hell out of me. I don’t do the darkening the way you described.

You’ve got Third Earth chops. I don’t.

This is your show, Vela. Though the one thing I can tell you is to go with your gut.

The rest will follow. ” Vela turned toward Samuel. “I have no idea what we’re going to find, but I think you should have your sword with you. ” Samuel glanced at Endelle, lifting his brows. “Can I do that here? Fold my sword to me?”

“Do it. We don’t have the same security restrictions as either Apache Junction Two HQ or the palace. Thorne’s been after me about it, but for now he can just bite me. ” Samuel withheld a smile. Thorne was revered among the Militia Warriors, a man’s man, and destined apparently to replace Endelle. So to hear her say something like that about Thorne, perhaps more than anything else that had happened, made him know his life really had changed.

He thought the thought and folded his identified sword into his right hand, the blade held away from Vela. He moved to position himself on her right side.

“You ready to go for a ride, warrior?” she asked.

He knew what she meant, but their recent engagement in the elevator made him think of other things. He repressed his thoughts if not the squeeze he gave her waist or the smile that moved his lips inappropriately.

But her lips quirked as well, which made him wonder if the breh-hedden might have chosen wisely for him after all.

She shifted her gaze away from him.

He watched her concentrate on what couldn’t be seen, probably searching for Duncan.

He tightened his hold on her waist and suddenly they were moving fast through the dark tunnel matrix she’d described, flying down one tunnel, reaching a branch, choosing with deliberate ease the next tunnel, then flying some more.

He saw the same things she’d described earlier as images raced past him. Once he’d become accustomed to the movement, he tried to see what made up the images that flashed by.

Eventually he saw landscapes and cities, a lot of smoke, ruins, people in rags, some warriors in flight battle gear, people running and large whirlwinds of light which turned out to be weapons of heavy capacity and destruction. He watched people being blown to bits, heard others scream, saw warriors flying and bearing swords. Then more landscape, a beautiful peaceful earth, then even greater turmoil.

His heart sank as Vela continued to move him through the darkening. Third Earth, too, was a world at war and somehow, one of the culprits had gotten hold of Duncan, but to what purpose? And why execute him?

Vela began to slow and his sword hummed in his hand.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” He looked around carefully.