Later, back at Merl’s house, Samuel paced the living room. “The problem is that I don’t have the darkening ability. I can’t even see the grid wall. ”

“But you have Third Earth power,” Merl said. “And you have a connection to the darkening or you wouldn’t be here. ”

“I’m not so sure. I know I have a connection to Vela, but not necessarily to the darkening. ” For some reason those words made her smile and he gave her a smile right back. Damn he liked her. No, he loved her, as much as he was able, he loved her.

He’d been inside her mind, and knew her better than most of his friends, and he valued all that he knew her to be. In this short time he’d been with her, he’d fallen in love, maybe for the first time in his fucked up life.

She came to him, and this time when he opened his arms he didn’t hold back, he just let his feelings flow.

This feels good, she sent.

Yeah, it does. I never thought I’d say this, but I’m glad the breh-hedden came to us.

I know. Me, too. She lifted her head to look up at him. I didn’t mean to pick at you earlier. I think you might be right about me and I wasn’t happy about that.

Me, too.

She nodded briskly, leaned up and kissed him. Could a man ask for more?

If Merl hadn’t been present, he would have returned the favor and made her feel that kiss to her toes.

As it was, Merl cleared his throat.

“Can we get on with this?” Vela drew back. “Yes, sorry Merl.

Just working some stuff out. ” She blinked several times and listed on her feet.

“What’s wrong?” Samuel caught her arm and balanced her.

“Someone’s in trouble. It feels just like the last time, when Duncan called for me. Samuel, I have to go. This is why I’m here. ”

“Just wait a second. Let’s get some back-up. ”

“Can you hear her? My God the woman’s screaming like she’s in pain. ” But Samuel’s instincts didn’t mesh right now with Vela’s. “This doesn’t feel right to me. ”

“How would you know? You’ve already said this isn’t your gift. ” He almost suggested she do a quick mind-dive and see what it was his instincts were telling him, but he shut that thought down fast. “Fine. Let’s check it out. ”

“I’ll move us along as fast as I can and when we reach her, hopefully we can bring her back with us. ” She glanced at Merl. “Can you sit tight?” Merl held his hands palms up. “Of course, but are you sure you don’t want to call in Leto at least?”

“Merl, if we’d arrived two minutes later, Duncan would have died. Period.

When the darkening calls, I have to go. ” She held out her hand to Samuel and he took it, but added, “Let me get armed. ” She nodded. “Of course. ” He held out his free hand and drew his sword into his palm, a comfortable, solid, familiar weight, the identified grip like coming home. He’d battled a Third Earth wrecker not too many hours ago; he could do it again. If he thought about a squad of three, he shunted the image away.

He just wished he had one of those shotguns in hand, though he’d agreed with Thorne about getting them looked over before any of them attempted to fire one again in the darkening.

Besides, with Vela’s speed, he felt confident they could get into the darkening, take care of business, and get back before the wreckers arrived.

As before, Vela levitated them at astonishing speeds through tunnel after tunnel, but the farther they traveled from the entry point, the more sharply his warning bells rang in his head especially the moment they crossed through the dimension into Third.

Vela, something’s wrong. This place feels way too familiar. We need to get out of here.

I can’t leave. The woman’s screams are ringing in my head.

I can hear her, too, but I think it’s a trap.

We’re almost there.

One more tunnel and Vela stopped them just in front of a woman bound in familiar ropes, kneeling on the stone floor of the darkening space.