Somehow his voice in her head must have done the trick because she cried out, her hips pumping against the mount, writhing as he rode her orgasm to the end.

When she lay slack, he rose up and stroked her buttocks, just as she’d touched and fondled him. He went upward, massaging her waist. But when he reached her wing-locks, he sucked on the lowest one, which brought a new moan out of her mouth.

You ready for a wing-release? he asked.

Yes. I’m so ready. And I want you, Samuel, all of you, as deep as you can get.

He lifted up and using his hand, guided his cock into her waiting body, pressing slowly to get positioned.

When he was in, he began to thrust, watching as she used the straps, one in each hand, to counter his moves, which created the best friction.

She breathed roughly against the mount. “I won’t last long. ”

“Me, neither. ” He’d barely been able to get the words out. Being inside her, with her scent rich in his nostrils, her wetness easing every stroke, all of it worked his wing-locks. They were swollen now and pleasure flowed in waves over his body and plucked at his balls.

She panted as he gripped her hips to gain the balance he needed. He pumped faster and he felt her tighten around his cock.

“I’m going to come. ” Her body arched and he watched as her wings began to fly from the locks. She clenched around him hard and screamed her pleasure.

The sounds she made, coupled with the sight of her wing-release, brought his release. He roared as the sensations combined to flood his body with pleasure.

His cock jerked with each pump of fluid, the feel of his wings streaking through and pleasuring each of his locks so that he writhed as he drove into her. The flesh of her hips in his hands drove him to an ecstasy that kept delivering, jolts of sensation that flowed upward through his abdomen and forced guttural shouts from his throat.

On the climax moved, like nothing he’d known before, his wings flapping in strong downward sweeps even as Vela’s moved, even as she kept crying out. Her hands pulled hard on the straps, keeping them both anchored.

Pleasure on pleasure.

Cresting more than once.

Finally, the last wave rose and fell to a gentle easing down. He breathed hard, Vela as well, her arms now hanging loosely down the sides of the leather mount, her thick blond hair draped on either side of her head.

“I want one of these,” she said, chuckling.

He smiled and placed his hand on the center of her back, touching her between her wings. “Your wings are extraordinary.

And gray, with a darker gray banding at the tips. They’re beautiful. ”

“Like your eyes, Samuel,” she said softly. “Like your eyes. ” She craned her neck to look back at him. “And your wings are an incredible shade of blue. ” She lowered her head, looking peaceful and relaxed. “Do you think that means something, that our wings reflect each other’s eye color?”

“I don’t know. ” Her wings could have been polka-dotted, in bright yellow and purple, and he wouldn’t have cared.

“I’m content more than I can say being connected to you like this. ”

“I know what you mean. ” She flapped her wings gently then released a deep sigh. “I do know what I want right now. ”


“To curl up beside you in bed and sleep for about a decade. ” He smiled. Nothing could have sounded better. “But I’d still like that shower. ”

After spending the rest of the night and a good part of the day asleep, Vela awoke cradled in Samuel’s arms, facing him. She kept sighing, her contentment boundless. Earlier, around dawn, Samuel had awakened her gently then made love to her, bringing her to another roaring climax, which she was pretty sure Merl must have heard since both she and Samuel had cried out repeatedly.

If Merl had even come home last night.

Merl was one of those big unknowns, living almost hedonistically as a refugee from what sounded like a messed up dimension. But Merl wasn’t her problem right now, and hopefully never would be.

He had his own path just as she had hers.

She lay beside Samuel, her head on his shoulder. She kept fondling the incredible curves of his pecs, the dip below his sternum, the rolling landscape of his abs. “I still want to work as a counselor, no matter what this new power means. ” To her surprise, Samuel chuckled.