of time at the Blood and Bite, but refused to answer specific questions about the mortal women who frequented that establishment. He’d only been assigned to the Phoenix Metro area six months before he was taken.

“I’ve been a warrior all my life.

Even on Mortal Earth, I’d intended on becoming a Marine when I received my call to ascension. ” By now she lay on her side next to him, leaning her head on her hand, her elbow on the bed supporting her so she could look at him as he spoke. He still lay on his back, his arm over his head.

“What was that like?” she asked, curious as all Twolings were, born on Second Earth, about the experience of a rite of ascension. “I’d love to mind-dive just to see what it was like for you. Did you have a Guardian of Ascension?” All really powerful ascenders received Guardians of Ascension to keep them safe from the enemy who wanted to either subvert them and use their power or to kill them outright.

He shook his head. “No, not at all.

Nothing like that. I had a liaison officer who was so bored with her job that I—” He cut off his thought.

“What?” she cried. Then she shoved him with her hand. “You bonked her. ” He smiled but he looked embarrassed as well. “What can I say?

That pretty much summed up my rite of ascension. I spent three days in the sack with her. ” Vela laughed. “She didn’t want more afterwards?”

“No. We both knew it was just sex and besides, I went into the Militia Warrior Training Camp right afterward. ”

“Straight away? Not even one question that this was the right path?”

“Nope. I knew what I was. But let me tell you, the day I mounted my wings for the first time was unbelievable. ” He turned to look at her, his arm still angled over the top of his head. “You want to go flying some time?” She moaned softly. “I’d love it. I haven’t been flying—” she broke off, took a deep breath, then added, “Not in five years. I mount my wings of course to keep them healthy, but no, I haven’t been flying in a long time. ”

“Then we’ll go. Have you ever flown off the Mogollon Rim in Sedona?”

“One of my favorites, catching the currents that stream down all those gullies, and inlets, through the canyon. ”

“We’ll do that,” he repeated, nodding.

He was more open than she’d supposed he would be. Then he turned the tables, but instead of asking her questions, he told her what he knew about her from mind-diving. He spoke for a long time as he recalled the images he’d seen.

She laughed at some, was embarrassed by others, let a few more tears fall, and finally got all worked up when he mentioned a couple of her lovers and began growling against her neck. One thing led to another and he was inside her again, thrusting hard and making her groan, whimper, and cry out all over again.

She fell asleep afterwards, not even aware she’d done so.

Samuel woke her up much later by caressing her arm gently and whispering, “It’s eleven thirty. Our chain-smoking host will be back soon. ”

Samuel heard Merl calling to him, just as Vela emerged from the bathroom, her thick blond hair, now loose with that wild look he really liked. She wore fresh clothes; a pair of dark blue jeans and a light blue tank. She shrugged into a mottled blue sweater. She wore black flats. He had to restrain a sudden impulse to take her in his arms again.

He cleared his throat. “Merl’s back. ” He felt her tense up immediately, aware, just as he was, that they’d be taking their next step right now.

He took her hand. “We’ll figure this out. ” He’d been making war a long time, but Vela had no experience at all, which set his nerves on edge. From the brief encounter he’d had with the darkening, the wreckers had power, skill, and deadly intent. And he had no idea how they’d be able to get around them to secure Duncan and pull him out of his Third prison.

But then again, some problems could only be solved one step at a time.

He led her back to the open, tall- ceilinged living room, but he didn’t get far. Damn that Merl. The bastard was dressed to kill in a too-tight black t-shirt, his pecs flexing below the ceiling pot- lights. He wore black leather pants and boots with silver goddamn buckles. His dark hair, combed straight back, gave him that come-and-get-it look.

And he wore his smirk with fucking pride, his hazel eyes flashing with challenge.

Still holding Vela’s hand, Samuel pulled her close, but she shoved at him.

“You’re hurting me. ” He turned to her scowling. “What?” She held up their joined hands. “This hurts. Let go. Now. ”

“Fuck. Sorry. ” The breh-hedden had fired up his caveman instincts, putting them in overdrive. He released her hand, but he couldn’t help stepping in front of her just a little.

He heard her groan and he was pretty sure she’d just rolled her eyes. She breezed past him anyway, which ignited two disparate sensations at once: a sudden profound desire to haul her back to the bedroom and teach her what she needed to know about being his woman and pride that she wasn’t cowed by his stupid behavior.

Conflicted as he was, he followed after her and somehow managed to keep his hands to himself. At least she had the good sense to stop fifteen-feet away from Merl. Any closer, and he’d be wrestling all over again with a man who clearly had more power than he did. But like hell he would care about that. Maybe he’d tap into more of his power and wouldn’t that be a kick in the balls for the asshole still smirking at him.

“Don’t tell me you wasted all this time I gave you in a perfectly empty house,” Merl taunted. “What? Couldn’t get it up?” That did it. He started to release his dark power when suddenly Vela stood in front of him, both hands planted on his chest. “We are so not doing this,” she shouted.