Of course, this reality completely overwhelmed her so she turned on her heel and headed for the kitchen as she called out, “I’ll see if I can find some stuff for sandwiches, okay?”

“Sandwiches sounds good. ” He wasn’t far behind, his thoughts apparently matching her own since his bitter chocolate scent suffused the air. She barely withheld a groan.

As she rounded the island, topped with a polished slab of light colored granite, she caught sight of a large picture window beyond. Though it was dark outside, her vampire vision, always adjusting, saw the vista as in a dim glow.

Crossing to the window, she said, “Look at this. Merl’s house is perched on a mountainside. ” Pine trees framed the sides of the view, but the cliff dropped off to reveal an opposite forested ridge as well as a starry sky beyond.

“Incredible. ” Samuel drew up behind her, and settled his hands on her hips. “Why would he ever want to leave this place?”

“He wouldn’t. He must love it here. ” His thumbs kneaded her waist through her silk blouse. Without thinking she leaned into him and he surrounded her with his arms. The battle harness was stiff but she didn’t care. The sensation felt very familiar.

She’d been without a man for so long and now Samuel was here, the man who had saved Santiago at the Superstitions, who had been with her in the darkening and helped her to escape, who had wrestled Merl because of his jealousy.

His chocolate scent wafted over her nose, drifted inside, and began filtering through her brain. She felt dizzy and her body warmed up all over again.

“That scent of yours,” he whispered against her ear. “The sweetest flowers. ” He groaned softly then released her. “I’m going to shower, fold some fresh clothes over here. ”

“Right, right. ” She felt him leave, but didn’t turn to look. She was afraid she’d call him back and right now she wanted some space.

What was she doing? Another Militia Warrior?

Maybe she had emerging powers but did that really mean she should get all tangled up with a man whose job could hurt her again?

But knowing that he’d headed to the guest suite didn’t help. She put a hand to her stomach and worked at her breathing a little more as she tried not to picture Samuel out of his kilt and harness, stepping into the shower, that beautiful muscled body of his, the water flowing—” Six hours alone with Samuel.

A guest suite.

A bed.

She forced her thoughts elsewhere and fortunately, she recalled that for the last hour, she’d essentially left Endelle hanging.

She thought about using her phone, but knew instinctively that would be a mistake. Her telepathy had considerable strength and given the circumstances, she thought what the hell.

She opened her mind to Endelle and just like that the woman was there. Where the hell have you been, ascender? I’ve been pacing my damn office for over half- an-hour. Jesus H. Christ.

Endelle, you need to shield this communication. Can you do that?

Can I do that? What millennium do you think this is? Five thousand BC? Fuck you.

Okay. Not good to question the abilities of an already agitated scorpion queen.

Vela felt Endelle’s shields lock into place and she released a deep sigh.

Okay, start talking, ascender.

I’m sorry, Madame Endelle, but we’re in deep shit, I mean trouble, over here.

‘Shit’ works fine. So spill the beans.

What’s going on, and don’t hold anything back like I’m a nut-sack that can’t take pain, got it?

Understood. Vela explained their situation in detail, including everything she knew to-date about Merl.

Endelle was silent for a moment, then asked, So, what does this ascender look like? Did you get a look at his jewels? Is he hung? I might have to pay a call and check out the talent myself.

Vela leaned over, planting her elbows on the island, supporting her head with her hands. She chuckled. Havily had warned her about Endelle’s lack of filters, but she’d never experienced it like this before. Was Merl hung? Oh, dear, God.

As much as I’d like to share my observations with you about Merl Tuttle, I have a little problem. Samuel is already jealous, as in breh-hedden out-of-his-mind jealous, and if he knew I’d started describing this man in detail, I’d have hell to pay. Besides, rumor has it that you’ve got a boyfriend.