“What’d he do?”

“It’s too much to explain. Bottom line, Savage can’t handle being happy. If he’s feeling too happy, he has this weird compulsion to mess it up, one way or another, even against his own interests.”

There’s a knock at the door and I lurch away from Colin, worried someone is going to burst in with a camera and snap a photo that makes me look like I’m doing something I’m not. But thank God, it’s only one of the PA’s calling to me from behind the closed door. “Fifteen minutes, guys!”

“Thank you!” I call toward the door. And when I hear receding footsteps, I smile with relief at Colin. “For a split-second, I thought someone was going to barge in here and snap a photo of me crying on your shoulder.”

“Aw, Laila, you poor thing,” he says. And there’s no doubt in my mind he’s being sincere . . . but also, semi-hitting on me. Thankfully, however, Colin has the emotional intelligence not to do anything too overt in this moment.

“It’s interesting they offered you a hundred grand to ‘lead me astray’ today,” I say. “That’s the same amount they’d have to pay to buy me out of my contract. Sounds like they want me gone, one way or another, for a hundred grand. I’m sure if they’re not successful convincing you to do their bidding, they’ll move on to Plan B and get rid of me in a much less exciting way. Either way, I’m guessing I’ll be gone during the break.”

“That sucks.”

I shrug. “It was fun while it lasted.”

“So . . . are you planning to stay with Savage when the show is over for you, or is this more like a tour fling—the show ends, and the relationship ends?”

“I don’t know what the future holds for Savage and me,” I admit. “But I feel like I should tell you . . . either way, you and I probably aren’t destined to be more than friends, Colin.”

He grins. “I’m that transparent, huh?”

“I had a hunch.”

“Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate that.”

“I appreciate you thinking I’m worthy of you. You’re an amazing guy.”

He pauses. “Are you turning me down because of your feelings for Savage, or because you’re not attracted to me, regardless?”

I consider my answer for a moment and realize I like and respect Colin too much not to answer him with complete honesty. “I don’t think the word ‘regardless’ is in my vocabulary anymore, in this context, because I can’t imagine a world where I wouldn’t want Savage. Even though he did something today that pissed me off and made me think I’m an idiot to want him, I still do. In fact, it’s impossible for me to imagine wanting anyone else. So, given that, it’s pretty hard for me to tell you if I’d be attracted to you, regardless of my feelings for Savage, when the truth is my heart and soul and body belong to him.”

“Wow,” Colin says, looking shocked.

“Before you tell me I’m a fool,” I add quickly, “I already know that. My brain knows this won’t end well for me, but I guess I need to let it run its course, or my heart will never give up on him. Never get over him.” Tears prick my eyes again and I wipe them. “Shit. My makeup is going to be a mess.”

Colin pats the couch next to him and I scootch over again, grateful to let him comfort me. I lean into Colin’s open arms, saying, “Thank you for telling me everything, Colin.” But midsentence, as the second half of my comment falls out of my mouth and my body falls into Colin’s waiting arms, Savage bursts into the room, his dark eyes blazing and bugging out.

“Savage,” I blurt, leaping off the couch to standing.

“What the fuck?” he blurts. He looks between Colin and me. “Laila?”

“Nothing happened! I was upset. Colin is a friend who offered a shoulder to cry on.”

“Yeah, he did,” Savage spits out, looking murderous. He marches toward Colin, looking homicidal, his fists clenched. And in reply, Colin leaps to standing next to me, ready to defend himself. I lurch in front of Savage, blocking his progress, and, thankfully, he stops and shifts his weight from foot to foot, his energy like a live wire that’s come loose and is now zapping wildly on the ground.

“You hit on her,” Savage barks at Colin. “When you knew she was with me!”

“I thought your relationship was fake,” Colin says. “And by the way, she turned me down. So now what, Savage? You’re gonna beat the shit out of me for taking my shot? I didn’t beat the shit out of you when you fucked my woman, but you’re gonna throw down when I’ve done nothing but give yours a shoulder to cry on?” Savage’s dark eyes shift to mine, looking guilty as hell, as Colin adds, “Maybe you should be more worried about why Laila needed a shoulder to cry on, than about who offered her that shoulder, you dumbass.”