After she comes, she returns the favor, while I press my palms against the plexiglass of the shower and groan like a yeti. When I come, we indulge in another round of washing, kissing, and caressing. But finally, she smacks my ass and tells me we need to get our beauty sleep, and we begrudgingly drag our asses out of the shower.

After drying off, I secure a white towel around my waist and watch Laila applying cream to her face.

“It’s a crying shame condoms don’t work in water, don’t you think?” I say, leaning my hip against the bathroom counter.

Laila stops what she’s doing and looks at me. “Is that your way of asking me if I’m on birth control?”

I grin. “It sure is.”

Laila smirks. “Yes, I’ve got an IUD. But that’s only to prevent me from getting knocked up accidentally. My firm rule is ‘No wrapper, no dice, unless we’re in a committed relationship and I trust you completely.’”

I furrow my brow, as Laila resumes her nighttime routine. I think she just implied she doesn’t trust me completely. That’s what she meant by that, right? “I’ve already promised I’m only going to have sex with you for the next three months,” I say. “That’s basically the same thing as a ‘committed relationship.’ And I promise you can trust me completely.”

Not stopping what she’s doing in the mirror, Laila says, “How shall I put this, Adrian? Oh, I know. I don’t.”

“Trust me?”

“Correct. Not completely. But don’t be offended. My complete trust is very hard to get. And you’ve got quite a reputation.”

“I thought we agreed to forget the past.”

“We did. But even so, I could google you right now, in the present, and instantly find out you’re not the best bet to let raw-dog me.”

“So, is your concern that I’m not clean or that I’m going to cheat on you? Because I’ve already promised I won’t have sex with anyone else, and that’s a promise you can take to the bank, ten out of ten times. On the other hand, if you’re concerned I’m not clean, then I’m sure we could arrange for a doctor to test us both tomorrow, either on the set at lunchtime or here at the house after work.”

Laila considers my suggestion for a long moment, making my heart thump in my ears with anticipation. Finally, she says, “Do you swear on your love for Mimi you won’t sleep with anyone else, the whole time we’re living together?”

I grimace. “Can we please leave my grandmother out of this conversation about raw-dogging you?”

She laughs. “Fair enough. Do you swear on your life?”

“I do. I won’t touch anyone else while we’re living together. I’ve already promised that in writing.”

“To the show, in order to avoid the risk of a ‘cheating scandal.’ What I’m asking is for you to promise me, personally. And then, to keep that promise, no matter what.”

I walk to her, cup her face in my palms, and look into her blue eyes. “I hereby promise, Laila Fitzgerald, that I, Adrian Savage, will have sex with you, and only you, and nobody else, for the entire time we’re living together, so help me God.”

Laila blushes. “Okay, let’s do it, then, as soon as we get the ‘all clear’ from a doctor. And by ‘doctor’ I mean a real one—not an actor who plays one on TV.”

I snicker. “I’ll make it happen tomorrow.”

“Cool. Now, come on. Your babysitter says it’s time for bed.” She takes my hand and pulls me into the bedroom. And then, to my thrill and relief, she guides me into bed under the covers and crawls in right next to me, obviously intending to stay with me.

I try not to smile too big. I try to act like I knew all along Laila was going to sleep with me here in the master bedroom. “Goodnight, Fitzy,” I say casually. Like it’s no big thing. But I’m smiling from ear to ear.

“Goodnight, Adrian,” she replies. And even though she’s now rolled onto her side, facing away from me, I can physically hear her wide, beautiful smile from here.



“Welcome to the new season of Sing Your Heart Out!” Sunshine Vaughn, our famous host, bellows from the large stage, and the studio audience behind the judges’ table bursts into applause.

My heart thumping wildly, I clutch Savage’s thigh under the table and squeeze, letting him know I’m freaking out right now, and he places his hand on top of mine, letting me know we’re in this crazy thing together.

“And now, let’s say hello to our four judges!” Sunshine booms, gesturing to the panel. She introduces each of us, one by one, and each judge waves or blows kisses—or halfheartedly smirks like they’d rather be anywhere else, in the case of Savage—as their name is called.

Sunshine says, “Before we get started with the first audition, let’s take a look at the journey our contestants have traveled to get here today—to be able to audition in front of our judges and a live studio audience!”