The assembled press in the room variously titters and whoops. Cameras begin clicking furiously, capturing every moment of our kiss.

“Wow, guys,” Sunshine Vaughn says, when Savage finally releases me from his hungry lips. “I’m swooning here, right along with Laila.”

I look down at the table, breathing hard, realizing Sunshine is right: I’m physically swooning. Literally, dizzy with adrenaline and excitement. And not only because of the passionate kiss Savage bestowed upon me, in front of the world, but also because of the speech he gave right before it. Were any parts of Savage’s speech based in truth—or was all of it for show?

Sunshine says, “Your turn, Laila. What do you love about Savage?”

I force my blushing face to address Savage. His cheeks are flushed. His dark eyes sparkling. I take a deep breath and say, “Well, he’s obviously physically gorgeous, as you can see, and incredibly talented and charismatic and charming. The whole world is in love with this man, for all of those reasons, so it shouldn’t be hard to understand why I feel the same way.”

There. I did it.

Sunshine says, “But what’s something we don’t know about him, that you do? Something you find endearing about your boyfriend, behind closed doors?”



I look into Savage’s dark eyes again, and realize this question isn’t all that difficult to answer, after all. A day ago, it would have been impossible. But after the conversation I had with Savage on Reed’s patio a few minutes ago, I feel like there’s a whole other side to Adrian Savage I didn’t appreciate before.

“Well, I love how devoted Adrian is to his family,” I say, looking into Savage’s soulful, dark eyes. “His family is his top priority and he’d do anything for them. I don’t think everyone knows that about him.” Images of Savage from during the tour flash across my mind, making me realize I’d witnessed his softer side, many times. I just didn’t give those aspects of his personality their proper due, up until now. I continue, “Savage will do anything for his friends.” I chuckle. “Including drunkenly jumping naked into a hotel swimming pool as a friend’s birthday gift.”

Everyone in the room laughs with glee.

“He’s also surprisingly goofy. The same as me, actually. He doesn’t do it all that often—but, on occasion, Savage belly laughs with those closest to him. And when he does, it’s the sweetest, most endearing sound you’ll ever hear. It’s like the clouds part when Adrian Savage laughs from the depths of his soul, and the entire world is bathed in glorious sunshine.”

Savage’s chest heaves. His nostrils flare. His body language reflecting back to me how I’m feeling as I stare into his chocolate eyes.

I swallow hard. “Adrian is protective and supportive, too. He tells me to demand what I’m worth and not settle for anything less. He’s also a thoughtful boyfriend. He knows I can’t stand the smell or taste of cigarettes, so he quit smoking, just for me. When I was sick, he took care of me. Held my hair for me when I threw up.” I bite my lower lip. “And, of course, it doesn’t hurt that he’s literally the sexiest man on Earth.” I press my lips together, signaling that’s all I’ve got, and Savage leans in and kisses me again—this time, even more passionately than before.

The crowd applauds, while Sunshine, our host, laughingly says, “Hey, it’s a family show, guys.”

Savage and I break apart, both of us breathing hard, and as the place explodes with raucous applause, Savage lays his palm on my thigh under the table, letting me know his arousal is most definitely not for show.

“Okay, before these two need a room,” Sunshine says, “I think we’d better get our mentors out here. Four judges this season means four mentors! And here they are!” She motions to the side door and calls out each mentor’s name, one by one, and they appear in order and stand behind their respective judge at the table.

There are a flurry of questions for the group—but, thankfully, no curveballs or surprises—and, finally, Sunshine wraps things up.

“Thank you for coming today! Full promo packages have been sent to you via email.”

I look at Savage, ready to flash him a look of relief that the press conference is over, but he’s eyeing my mentor behind me like he’s plotting murder.

“Hey,” I whisper sharply, squeezing Savage’s thigh, and he turns around and smiles at the crowd again. But it’s too late. His jealousy was on full display. Clearly, he’s trying to figure out why the producers chose Colin, of all people—a drummer known more for his recent underwear campaign than his singing—as my mentor. And I must admit, I’m wondering the same thing. Colin and I have never been anything but friends. But there’s no denying our chemistry. Also, I can’t help remembering I offered up Colin on Sylvia as someone I’ve been wrongly linked with, right before I denied the rumors about Savage and me. Did the producers notice that little detail, too?