If you ask me, it’s not necessary to be married to someone to love them wholeheartedly. Unconditionally. Or even to commit to them “forever.” One need only say those words, and make those sacred promises, in quiet moments together, with nobody else around, to make them real and unbreakable. Certainly, based on what I saw of my mother and father’s marriage, I’m not a believer that marriage turns a bad relationship into a good one. But, still, I must confess, the little girl in me has always wanted to marry my prince. And today, that’s exactly what I’ve done.

As simple and small as our wedding has been, it’s turned out to be as magical as I’ve ever dreamed it would be. Standing face to face with Savage, looking into his soulful, brown eyes, and hearing him say, “Laila, I promise to love and cherish you, forever, through sickness and health, and richer or poorer,” felt every bit as soul-stirring and beautiful as I’d dreamed the words would sound. Even more so, actually, thanks to the look on Savage’s face when he said them. He looked so beautiful in that moment. So overcome with love and happiness. I could barely hold it together to say my own vows.

I’ve decided to take Savage’s name, though not professionally. My stage name will always be Laila Fitzgerald. But on all legal documents, I’m now, officially, Laila Savage. And it feels even more awesome than I could have predicted. Now, whenever Savage picks up his guitar and serenades me with his rendition of my song, “Savage Love,” which he often does, it’ll feel even more like he’s singing a love song he wrote for me.

When Kendrick finishes his best-man speech, Kai and Titus get up to say a few words. And then, my bridesmaids: my sister, Aloha, Sasha, Alessandra, and Ruby. Savage made fun of me for having so many bridesmaids, especially for such a small wedding. But I told him, “It’s like ‘Birthday Truth or Dare.’ As long as I don’t maim, kill, or send anyone to prison, nothing is off-limits at my own wedding.” And, of course, Savage replied to that, “Knock yourself out, Fitzy. It’s your day.” To that, I replied, “No, it’s our day.” And Savage replied, “Mostly yours, though.” I didn’t continue arguing the point, because I knew he was right. Savage would marry me on the beach in front of our house, if given the option, and then throw a party in our living room to celebrate. Anything more than that has pretty much been for me. The girl who grew up enchanted by Beauty and the Beast.

My mom takes the mic from Sasha and tearfully tries to tell Savage and me how happy she is, but she can’t get more than five words out. Which, honestly, is even more meaningful to me than whatever words she’s got written on that little scrap of paper in her hand.

I head over to my weeping mother and hug her as she cries. I understand her emotion completely. The magnitude of this occasion for her. She’s not only weeping about my marriage to Savage, although she’s obviously over the moon about it. Even more than that, though, I know my mother is crying because I didn’t follow in her footsteps. Because I didn’t wind up married to a man like my father, or to one of the many assholes I dated before my husband. My mom is crying because I’ve married a man who’ll love me and treat me right, forever—which means all her dreams for me have now come true, every bit as much as Mimi’s dreams for Savage have, as well.

As I’m comforting my mother, the familiar first notes of “Savage Love” begin blaring through the reception. I pull away from my mom, wiping my eyes, and instantly notice Savage standing on the edge of the dance floor, grinning at me. He gestures to the dance floor, clearly inviting me to dance with him. So, I take my husband’s hand and let him guide me to the middle of the floor for our first dance as husband and wife.

As Savage holds me close, my own voice serenades Savage and me, and I’m struck by the unbridled truth of my words. I’ve got a savage love for this man, and I know he loves me the same way—because our love is, and always will be, infinite and everlasting.

[Click here to listen to “Savage Love” along with Savage and Laila, as they dance as husband and wife for the very first time.]

One for the money

Two for the show

Three cuz you’re so good givin’ Os


Four for the cameras

Five for the fame

No catchin’ feelings, only a game


But then six came along when we had our first kiss

Six made me swoon, yell out “I call dibs!”