Glancing up at the scoreboard, she smiled. They’d won. Of course, they had. They rarely lost.

Blue got to his feet, sinking his fingers into her hair and kissing her. “I fucking love you,” he said.

“And I love you.”

“How are you feeling?”

“A little nervous now.” The crowd was going crazy, cheering, applauding, screaming. “I think it’s time for us to go.”

Blue took her hand and lifted it up for the crowd to see.

The rest of his team jogged over and shook her hand, patting her stomach.

Then, in front of everyone, Blue picked her up and carried her right off the pitch and into the men’s changing room.

She was laughing, covering her eyes as the guys were already getting undressed.

“Cover your ugly asses up.”

She was taken to the coach’s office while Blue left her alone. She sat, waiting, and after ten minutes, Blue was ready.

“You’re not going to shower?”

“No, you’ve been tired and yet, you still come and see me, like always. You’re my good luck charm.”

She wrapped her arms around his waist. “Blue, all you have to do is ask and I’ll come to you.”

He leaned down to her ear. “That’s good to know because in less than an hour, I want you coming on my cock.”

Arousal flooded her. Taking his hand, she followed him out, waiting as fans lingered. She loved Blue. Marrying him was the best thing that ever happened to her, and she didn’t regret it for even a moment.

The End