Laylah looked at her friend and her suspicions rose.

“You and John normally do movie night,” she said.

“And now you and I are going to be doing it.”


Becky glared at her, holding up a shark movie.

“Hell, no, and stop evading me right now. Just tell me.”

“There’s nothing to tell. I swear, since you became a girlfriend, you’re like, highly suspicious. John’s on a date with his girlfriend. The one he’s already engaged to and intends to marry.”

Layla didn’t believe it. Being on a date never stopped John from enjoying movie night.

Becky picked up her pace, and Laylah caught up with her, grabbing her arm and spinning her around. “What gives?”

“Nothing gives. You need to learn to trust.”

“I’m not stupid, Becky. You and John have been doing the movie thing for years. His girlfriend has always been on dates with you guys. Trust me. I know what I’m talking about because I used to be part of them as well. What the hell is going on?”

Becky groaned. “I told John this wouldn’t work, but he said to keep you distracted with the movies.”

“What the hell does John have to do with this?”

“You really don’t know?” Becky asked.

She growled, ignoring the glares and whispers from a couple of customers trying to pick their own movie. She didn’t care what they were trying to do. Her best friend was being a giant pain in the ass.

“Clearly, I don’t know.”

“John is with Blue.”

“Since when did John join in with the jocks?”

Becky ran her fingers through her hair. “Can you drop it and just accept that something amazing is going to happen come Monday?”

This time, Laylah tilted her head at her friend. “You know I hate surprises. Come on, Becky, stop being a pain and tell me. Is Blue going to dump me? Is that what this is about?” She hadn’t thought of it like that and it certainly didn’t make her excited.

She had truly fallen for him.

“He’s going to fucking propose to you,” Becky said, yelling at her. She threw her arms in her direction, tense, with anger rolling off her. “That’s why Blue is hanging out with the damn guys. It has nothing to do with needing a break from you. Monday morning, in front of the entire freaking school, he is going to get down on one knee and propose. He told me and John and asked how we could help to make this the most memorable experience for you. Guess what, I told them that under no circumstances would you believe a movie night with me. John told me to sell it. I tried, but you’re too damn nosy to see a good thing when you’ve got it.” She took a deep breath. “See, there. I’ve admitted it. You’ve got a damn good thing in your boy there. Blue is a good guy. He’s head over heels in love with you, and he can’t stand to have a moment without you. He intends to marry you.”

She squealed. “And now you’ve gone and made me spoil the surprise.”

Without picking a movie, Becky turned around and walked right out of the video store, leaving Laylah completely speechless. She didn’t have a clue what to say.

“I think congratulations are in order,” an older woman said.

She offered a smile but quickly chased after her friend.

Becky was already halfway down the street. She grabbed her arm and spun her around. “You’re serious about this. Like totally, no-joke serious?”

“Yes, I’m serious.” Becky pulled away. “And I went and ruined the surprise.”

“They’re at the school now?” Laylah asked. “Making it … ready for me.”

Becky nodded. “Yeah. I suck at this, but Blue wanted you to have something to remember. Something you’d cherish for a lifetime.”

Tears filled Laylah’s eyes. “I want to go to the high school.”

“I had a feeling you would,” Becky said. “John’s not going to allow me to forget this. I had one job, and look what I did.”

“I still love you.” She went to Becky and held her close.

“Can you at least tell me what you’re going to do?”

Laylah shook her head. “Nope. You can wait just like the others.” She winked at her friend before she made her way over to the car.

Chapter Ten

“Seriously, you want fake snow?” John asked.

“Yeah, she loves snow.”

“Then propose to her in winter.”

Blue glared at John. They’d gotten along pretty well in the past couple of weeks and he wasn’t giving him crap for falling in love with his friend. Right now, he wanted to beat his ass. “I don’t have time to waste. I’m not waiting to propose to her.” He already had the ring and a plan. The corridors needed to look perfect.

He had all the guys with the decorations, which would start outside, leading into the main corridor to her locker, which he was decorating with the words asking her to marry him.