I did my best with what little bits of anecdotal knowledge on dick sucking I’d gained from books and TV, which wasn’t much. It felt like the best I could do was try to avoid hurting him with my teeth, which I hadn’t anticipated being such a challenge. I let him do most of the movement, focusing instead on being whatever he wanted as he gripped me with both hands—one firm and tight in my hair and the other more gently running fingertips across my scalp.

It wasn’t fire and ice. It was a scalding shower on a cold morning and the beautifully warm croissant for breakfast afterwards. It was blind passion and controlled desire. And it was all for me.

I smiled, unfortunately, with his cock in my mouth. Riggs grunted, forcing himself in and out of me as I struggled to keep up. I tried putting my hands on him, but his wolf hand removed them, apparently preferring a mouth-only approach.

He was gasping with enjoyment before long, and finally yanked himself free, shivering slightly as he appeared to try to refrain from releasing his pleasure. He lifted me with both hands then, skipping the table entirely and walking me to the nearest wall, which he pressed my back against.

I met his eyes moments before he kissed me, mesmerized by the glinting yellow of one eye and the muted brown of the other. I thought I understood Riggs more fully than I ever had in that moment. That was him. He was the place where two extremes met. He was the compromise between them, a constant struggle for control.

He pulled my legs apart so I could wrap them around his waist, my heels resting against his firm, bare ass as he positioned himself to enter me.

I gasped, not bothering to stop him even though he hadn’t put on a condom. I didn’t care then. He’d told me a werewolf could get a vampire pregnant, hadn’t he? But of all the things on our plates, it didn’t seem important at that moment.

With a pleasant burst of shock, I realized his cock was as warm as his body had been when the wolf was in control. It felt incredible inside me, like little tendrils of warmth were snaking through me to explode in fireworks of bliss throughout my body.

I clutched the back of his neck, grinding myself into him with each thrust of his body, not knowing what the future held for us but knowing this was where I wanted to be right now. Where I needed to be.

Riggs’ rhythm picked up, and I sensed he was close to climax. Knowing he was about to come pushed me over the edge. My whole body tensed, and I felt my walls grip him as I gasped into his ear. “Oh God,” I said through gritted teeth. “I love you.”

My eyes snapped open as he came.

I felt the twitch of his cock inside me and the vague sense of increasing warmth and something filling me. But more than that, I felt my words echoing between us. Had I really just said that? And where the hell did it come from?

Riggs closed his eyes, arching his neck back with a happy half-smile as he came. When he opened them again, they were both brown. He kissed my nose, smiling wider. “I love you too.”



It had been three days since I was turned, and I had to admit I already missed the sun a little bit. I was sitting outside on a grassy knoll a half hour’s walk from town with Gravy Boat at my side. He was purring while I scratched his head.

“You probably wish Riggs was here, don’t you?” I asked him.

He rubbed his gums on my hand, marking me in his weird cat way. I grinned. Gravy Boat felt like one of the few things that still remained from my old life. It hadn’t even been two weeks, had it? I gave up trying to figure it out because it didn’t really matter. I’d lived more in this short span of time than I’d lived in my whole life before. It was like packing a lifetime into a to-go container and binging it on the car ride home while driving with my free hand.

It was a misty night, with little beads of water clinging to the tall grass around me. I had my back against a tree, which was surprisingly comfortable. To my right, the sleepy town of Silverback was dark and dormant. To my left, I could see a nearly endless canopy of green trees from the relative height of my little hill.

It was chilly, but I didn’t feel the cold like I used to. It was almost like there was a disconnect between my brain and body. I could sense some things I used to sense—cold, discomfort, and pain, but they didn’t reach me as viscerally as before. It was more muted, like a little flashing warning light in my brain I could choose to ignore if it was convenient.