The air was thick with warm humidity that tickled the back of my neck. I took off my blazer and laid it over my arm.

"They offered a driver. I turned them down."

"Now, why on God's green earth would you do a thing like that?"

"Look at this place, Katy," I gestured the air around me. "It's a small town. I need to be low-key. I really didn't want everyone here wondering who the two uptight women were with their entourage. I want to blend in."

"Well, you should have worn a visor and fanny pack then. Or maybe a Hawaiian shirt. Something other than a tailored silk blouse. Who travels like that?"

Katy was wearing her cute sweatsuit, athleisure wear by one of the designer labels.

"You're no fun, you know that?" she accused me.

"This isn't supposed to be fun. It's a business trip, and an important one at that."

"With a side of vacation."

"No," I turned and pointed my index finger at her. "Tt's a vacation for you. For me, it's a business trip."

"Is that why you came down a week early?"


So what if I was a bit of a workaholic? So what if I wanted to get the lay of the land before I went in for the kill? I didn't like to disappoint anyone, including myself. I made sure I'd have extra time to make sure I could secure this client and sign him before anyone else. I knew Tower had a scout out, and I'd seen him post "Pictures from Spring Florida" on his social media. I just had to beat him to the prize—that's all.

Besides, I needed to get out of New York. It had been a year since I'd actually taken any time to just relax. After I busted my ex-fiancé, Royce, cheating on me, I'd drowned myself in work and made no time for myself. So when they offered me the trip to sign a local musician, I jumped at the chance. Sun, beaches, and a new location all sounded good to me. Room to breathe.

"I thought a change of scenery would do me some good."

"I know what else would do you some good," Katy said, wagging her eyebrows.

"Can you stop? This is not Stella getting her groove back; this is Ally beating the competition to one of the best musical snags of the year."

"Great, so you can get another promotion and enjoy it with Ben and Jerry? You've got to put yourself back out there, Ally. I'm just looking out for you, and I hope you'd do the same for me."

I rolled my eyes at her as I approached the cab.

"Get in the car and stay out of my vagina."

I walked around to the far side and jumped into the back seat. "And do the same for you? You have literally always been single since I've known you, Katy, so how am I supposed to help you get back out there. You never left."

"I'm just saying if you don't use it, you might lose it."

"Whoa, this place is fancy!" Katy said she dropped her purse on the bench by the door and roamed the three thousand square villa. It was in the Spanish Colonial style with a private pool in the middle. The record company sure knew how to live large. The joint was something out of a rap video, not an executive's business suite.

"Should we Christen the place?" I asked, waving a bottle of Cristal in the air.

"That bottle's probably worth more than my apartment," Kat said before grabbing one of the champagne flutes. "You better fuckin' believe I want some."

I laughed as I opened the bottle, and a burst of foam shot out. I poured us a glass, and just as I was about to take a sip, Kat shot out her hand to stop me.

"What are you doing? We need to make a toast."


"To two girls gone wild in Florida."

"We will not be getting wild, Katy."

"Oh yes, we are! Starting tonight. You and I are going out to dance and drink and flirt until you really have to get to work. You deserve it, Ally. Let's have some fun!"

She bounced up and down on her tiptoes like a kid. I couldn't help but laugh at Katy as we sipped our champagne. She had a point. We didn't really ever have an opportunity to get wild and crazy before. What harm could a little pleasure before the work part bring?

Katy grabbed our bags and dragged them to the master bedroom, which alone was larger in square footage than my entire New York City apartment. She unzipped her massive suitcase and started tossing clothing items haphazardly onto the floor.

"This is it," she said, beaming at me.

"What is it?"

"It's my come hither dress. It's literally like a horny man magnet."

"Hhhmmm. Sounds tempting, but no thanks. I'm not wearing a red slip to a bar," I said. The garment's fabric was so flimsy, it was almost non-existent. "I'd probably tear it in half just trying to get it on. I opened up my bag and took out a casual pair of black pants and a lightweight sweater.