Tremors rocked her as she waited for him to initiate a more intimate caress. Seconds passed. Minutes. The teasing and tormenting persisted...

Breathless, she gave herself an inner shake. “Comments? Questions?”

“I have created and destroyed worlds, conquered kingdoms and claimed other men’s armies as my own. But I’ve never faced an opponent quite like you.”

She arched, thrusting up her breasts, reaching overhead to fist his hair. “That might be the sexiest thing anyone has ever said to me.” And if he kept his hand where it was much longer, she would go insane! “Tell me about you. What are your likes? Your dislikes?”

“I like—” he kissed her cheek and finally glided a finger through her silvery curls, rubbing her clit at long last “—slippery snarpies.”

Her eyes nearly rolled back in her head. “And?”

“I like—” he stroked the throbbing bud “—moaning, gasping snarpies.”

“Oh, yeah?” She couldn’t catch her breath. “Anything else?”

“I gravita.” He applied more pressure, right where she needed it most.

A cry tapered into a moan. “Roc.” She didn’t pretend not to want this. Didn’t tell herself this was merely another test of wills. She knew the truth. This was two people who shouldn’t like each other exploring what could be.

New tests would come tomorrow; an inevitable outcome, considering their situation. Today, though, they celebrated a victory.

“Don’t stop. Whatever you do, baby, don’t stop.”

“Never, Taya.” He rubbed, glided, then plunged his fingers inside her, just the way they both liked. Stretching her. Then he did it all over again. Rubbing. Gliding. Plunging. Keeping her suspended at the threshold of an earth-shattering climax.

“The things you do to my body.” Taliyah writhed against him, water lapping at the sides of the tub.

“Look at you.” Awe thickened his voice. “Has there ever been a more exquisite sight?”

“No,” she told him, and he rewarded her with another of those husky chuckles.

Her lids grew heavy as sensations replaced thoughts. Arching further, thrusting her breasts higher, she steadied her head on his shoulder, letting herself feel and enjoy...everything.

She thought he might be gentling her, a feat no other had managed. But then, she gentled him, too. The more he touched her, the more he trembled.

Suddenly desperate for him, she angled her face, seeking his kiss. He gave it to her eagerly, his tongue twining with hers. Their breaths mingled, heat and passion consuming her, setting off an avalanche of shivers.

His groans sent a second wave of heat crashing through her and...

“Yes!” The kiss broke as she climaxed, her inner walls clenching around his fingers.

“Do you know what you do to me, woman?” He heaved every breath. Working her. Grinding his erection against her. Relentless. Ruthless. Wonderful.

“The same thing you do to me?” Quaking, far from finished, Taliyah leaned forward, freeing her wings. With an expert spin, she faced him. Water splashed. The kiss resumed, hotter and more frenzied by the second.

He ground his length against her sensitive core. His flesh sizzled, branding her, and she cried out again, her need reaching new levels. Grinding. Grinding harder.

Desperation returned. The bliss! Her thoughts fractured. More. More.

Pressure built. “Just a little more.” She chased her next orgasm. Never had she wanted like this. Never had she felt so empty.

I’ll say no. I will. She just wanted...more.

He spun them both, pushing her against the back of the tub. Gripping one of her legs, just above her knee, he settled his full weight against her. All ferocity and wonder, he rotated his hips.

“Yes!” Taliyah clawed at his flesh, urging him on. “Like this.” So good, so good, so good.

He whispered every wicked thing he planned to do to her body, driving her wild with lust. Each time he drew back to thrust against her again, he bent his head to lick or lightly bite her nipples. When he vibrated his fingers against her clit, she became incoherent, losing herself in the throes, the hot, sexual haze.

Strain contorted his features, any veneer of calm stripped away, his expression savage and primal with barely harnessed aggression.

He flashed her to the bed. Sweat beaded his brow as he stared down at her, heaving his breaths. “I want inside you.”

His voice was...unrecognizable. A culmination of inconceivable arousal and unmitigated power, making mincemeat of her common sense. Because she wanted him inside her, too. Somehow, she resisted. “We—we can’t.”

He didn’t try to change her mind, as part of her...hoped. With a growl, he claimed her mouth in another fierce kiss, thrusting his tongue against hers. Gentleness? He had none.

Caught up in the frenzy, Taliyah needed his aggression. The next time he ground against her, she lifted her hips to meet him. Greater pressure, greater pleasure. Greater torment.

The tempo of the kiss quickened. They devoured each other. He rolled his hips faster, his shaft gliding over her slick clitoris again and again. She rolled her hips in turn, meeting the sensual assault with one of her own. Their bodies mimicked the motions of sex, straining together. Desperate, so desperate, pleasure and pressure still building...