Nothing left to do but collect her...

How had she fared throughout the night? He didn’t want to care. He wouldn’t care. Roc lifted his chin and straightened his shoulders, then flashed to the dungeon, just outside Taliyah’s cell.

The sight of her hit like an asteroid. She occupied a corner, her legs bent and drawn up behind her. A queen before her people. Around her eyes, black lines had grown together, shading the spaces between them; uneven edges dripped over her cheeks like tears. Her irises had turned fully black and seemed to spin, snaring him in a dizzying maze.

An irresistible, deadly beauty, even now.

Staring at him, she purred, “Hello, husband.” She graced him with a slow, wicked smile, and he hissed a breath between his teeth.

He didn’t mean to, but he dropped his gaze to her lips. They, too, were fully black...and he wondered how soft they’d feel against his skin.

He stiffened with annoyance. “Hello, soulsucker.”

“Aw, how sweet. Another adorable nickname.” A Gothic ice queen, she glided to her feet and strolled to the bars, every movement a wonder of sensuality. Thin straps of metal crisscrossed over her chest, turning her T-shirt into a gown.

She’d reverted to predator mode. Having spotted prey, she’d roused enough energy to launch a final stand.

Frostberries perfumed the air, setting little fires in his lungs. Golden torchlight illuminated the stardust smeared over her skin, fueling his most possessive instincts.

You should try to resist, at least.

The other harpies stepped up to the bars between the cells for a closer look at the byplay. Commentary abounded.

“Uh-oh. He looks ticked.”

“Only because you’re staring at his face. Check out the package in his pants.”

“I sense a severe clubbing in T-bomb’s future.”

“If I’m going to stay here,” Taliyah said, empress of her audience, “I insist on redecorating. Maybe a couple of tasteful nudes.”

He glared at her. A lowly phantom had no right to tease the Astra Commander. “You won’t be staying here.”

She pouted with feigned disappointment. “Let me guess. You’ll be glued to my side forevermore.”

“I will.” He punctuated the words with a clipped nod.

“Why do you appear so glum about it? You’re getting uninterrupted time with the woman of your dreams. I’m the one who deserves to wail. I have to spend time with you.”

Disregard her words. Move on. “There will be new rules, of course.”

“Of course. I’ll give them the same respect as the others.” She reached through the bars slowly, giving him a chance to protest before she glided a claw around the unstained skin above his heart. “Will I get three squares a day?”

Though he didn’t understand the words themselves, he easily deciphered their meaning. He’d thought to keep her hungry and weak. Should he? She’d deteriorated in a matter of hours. How long did she have until her eyes turned milky, her mouth a suction cup?

Not even trying to mask his revulsion, he flashed into the duplicate realm, appearing in the cell with the imprisoned soldiers.

Roc grabbed the closest—a berserker whose jaw had yet to heal from repeated exposure to Roc’s fists. He carted the male into Taliyah’s cell.

She remained at the bars, her back to him.

“Your breakfast awaits,” he said as the male fought his hold. “Compliments of Erebus.”

She turned with sensual grace and eyed her meal. “Normally I’d ask what crimes he’s committed, but I remember seeing him in the throne room. He’s a soldier of yours. That’s crime enough.”

Roc pushed, and the berserker stumbled to his hands and knees before coming up in a rush, preparing for battle.

Taliyah moved at an incredible speed, even without use of her wings, restraining him against a wall with her shackled hands and forcing his head to tilt at an uncomfortable angle. She pressed her mouth against his throat, like a vampire tapping a vein. The berserker shouted and flailed—at first. He slowed...sagged, finally hanging motionless in her grip. Color drained from his flesh. Taliyah’s pinkened.

Roc could barely stomach watching a soulsucker in action...usually. Somehow, as she swayed in time to her swallows, she made the act a sensual dance. He...didn’t like it. His bride should not put her mouth on another male.

Jealousy shocked him. Singed him. Infuriated him! She’s a phantom. This doesn’t matter.

Still he fought the urge to stride over and slay the male. Roc breathed with purpose. Inhale, exhale. Slow. Slower. Better. Except it wasn’t better!

As he took a step forward, Taliyah released her meal. Nothing but an empty shell. The body fell to the floor with a hard thud, utterly drained and eternally dead.

The harpies withdrew, and Taliyah most definitely noticed, her posture growing rigid as she straightened.

She craned her head to meet Roc’s gaze, sending a jolt through him. As the shadows receded from her eyes and mouth, and the onyx vanished from her irises, she smiled, radiant.

In that moment, she embodied each of her species. The seducer, the warrior and the ice queen.