“Harpy smash!” she called, hitting him with the pillow a second time.

He didn’t think about his next actions, just picked her up and tossed her to her back. The giggling resumed as she bounced on the mattress.

She wanted to play? They would play.

Roc dived on her and tickled, delighting as she laughed and wiggled.

As wily as she was, she worked free of his weight and darted through the bedroom, calling, “Find me if you can, Astra!”

Though she moved like a wild wind, he tracked her without trouble as she hid behind the curtains. Her feet stuck out from the bottom. He was grinning as he stalked over and swished the drapery aside, intending to press her against the wall and kiss the air from her lungs. But she no longer stood there.

A rush of cold swamped him just before she giggled behind him. Realization: she’d ghosted—phantomed—straight through him.

Reminded of her highly dangerous abilities, hated abilities, he sobered and pivoted. Time to put a stop to this.

In front of him, only a heartbeat away, her icy blues were soft and luminous. “You lose, and I win,” she sang, then yawned. “Better get used to it, Rocky, baby. I always win.”

His chest clenched tighter than ever before. What was she doing to him? “You think you can defeat me so easily, Taya?”

“Mmm-hmm.” She jumped on him, winding her arms and legs around him. Clinging again. “I can do anything. I can have you as many times as I want. You’ll see. I could even ride you hard.”

Foreboding crept down his spine. His shaft throbbed anew. “What of your bid for General?” If ever she gave herself to Roc, he would thrust so hard and sure—

Enough! “Never mind. Let’s tuck you into bed. You should rest.”

“I’m not sleepy.” A second yawn punctuated her words.

As he peered into her beautiful face, the tightness in his chest worsened until...crack. Inside him, something warm oozed out. Something akin to tenderness. For a phantom. A bride.

Harden your heart. Enjoy her while you can.

Or find another way...

He gulped. “Rest anyway.”

“Never,” she called, pumping her fist at the ceiling.

“Why don’t we chat, then?” If she wished to reveal secrets, why not accommodate her?

He carried her toward the bed, moaning as her body molded to his. The rightness of their position both eased and tormented him.

—Commander?—Halo’s voice cut into his awareness, and he ground his molars.


—A patrol found three other phantoms. Females, like the others. They come with another message for you.—

Done with Erebus’s game, he snapped, —Kill them. Erebus only wishes to inflict more misery.—

If Halo disagreed with the command, he said nothing. Proof of his brilliance. —I’ll see to it personally, sir.—

“Where’d you go?” Taliyah asked, stroking his beard once more.

He leaned into her touch without thought. He realized he’d stopped next to the bed, with the harpy clutched against his chest. “Doesn’t matter.” Roc readjusted her before settling atop the mattress, ensuring her body draped his.

Curling into him, she sighed, mournful. “I really miss your fingers.”

He nearly choked on his tongue. “Do you, now?”

Stop! Do not travel this road. He had a prime opportunity here. He could pleasure her or question her while her euphoria lasted. He couldn’t do both.

Though he might later hate himself, he said, “Never mind about that. Tell me about your father the snakeshifter.”

“No. Don’t want to,” she told him, tracing a circle around his nipple.

Why not? “Just one detail? What’s his name?” So Roc could find and question the male directly.


Even drunk, she refused him. In the shower, she had commanded him...and he had obeyed.

“Your turn to answer a question.” She crossed her arms over his chest and propped her chin at the center, gazing up at him. “Did you miss me last night? Be honest.”

Well, if he were being honest... “I couldn’t think of anything else.”


He scowled. —Yes, Vasili?—


The warlord had completed the door and window frames, then. —You may return to the duplicate realm.—

A soft caress along his sternum returned his attention to Taliyah. “War business?”

“Yes.” And he should resume it. If Erebus stuck to his usual methods, the god prepared bigger and bigger hordes for invasion. Simply to annoy Roc and keep the Astra busy, so that the god could get to the bride. Although, this wasn’t a normal situation. Erebus already had an in with the bride.

Roc’s mood darkened considerably.

If Taliyah sensed the change, she didn’t reveal it. “Do you have time to give your wife another orgasm? I mean, it is your husbandly duty.”

Hesitation, temptation’s fondest companion, crept through his mind. “We shouldn’t,” he said, hedging. If she wasn’t going to answer his questions, he might as well pleasure her.

“You’re right,” she agreed, and he stifled a groan. Why hadn’t he agreed outright? “Before we tackle today’s duties, I should probably speak a few inspiring words into your microphone.”