He helps me? No, surely not. He knew what she was. His hatred knew no bounds. The disgust he lobbed at her...

With her defenses down, she couldn’t deny the sting of his rejection. An icy tear slid down her cheek.

Roc maneuvered her arms in different directions, her legs here and there. Through the screams, she thought she heard him say, “You will wear this because I’m not sure what you’re faking and what you’re not. I won’t risk someone taking advantage of you in this condition...or you taking advantage of me.”

She thought he’d just refastened the chastity belt in place, then dragged a pair of shorts up her legs. She fought, because she couldn’t not fight.

So. Many. Screams. A cold, wet trickle leaked from her ears and nose, and a whimper escaped. What if the screams never stopped?

Was she floating? A hint of warmth penetrated her awareness. Roc carried her? He’d subdued her so easily?

She moaned. “Make it stop.” Screaming, screaming. SCREAMING.

The air turned frigid and damp all of a sudden, familiar scents clinging to her nostrils. He’d taken her to the dungeon?

A crazed laugh escaped. Did Roc think to let her rot until the sacrifice?

Well, good luck. If the screams continued, she might off herself before then.

Falling slowly... Lying flat. Roc shoved something onto her finger. The ring! Blessed quiet descended, until she heard only a mild ring.

Taliyah sagged against the floor. Panting, she wiped at her eyes with a shaky hand. Chains rattled as she moved, confusing her. She blinked. What was that heavy weight on her wrists? On her chest?

What was... Why... When the synapses fired off in her brain, comprehension dawned. Roc had shackled her wrists and pinned her wings.

She gasped, dread and fury unfurling. Jolting upright, she examined her surroundings. She occupied a cell next to the harpies, who watched her through the bars that separated them, exuding confusion and concern.

Roc stood inside the cell with Taliyah, his expression frighteningly blank. Other Astra towered in the space beyond, peering at her with...horror? Even the one who usually paced and mumbled nonsense focused on her with laser intensity.

Taliyah remained on the floor and jutted her chin. “I distinctly remember checking no on my RSVP to the dungeon hoedown.”

“You don’t have to worry,” Roc told his warriors. Rage simmered in every word. “The stardust means nothing. It isn’t real. A trick like everything else.”

The newest rejection wounded in ways she didn’t expect. Unwanted by two fathers. Now discarded by the man predisposed to desire her. Would any man find value in her?

Every warrior but the black-eyed hottie with light brown skin nodded in agreement. Because desiring a phantom was so far beyond their realm of comprehension?

She forced a smile. “Are you sure the stardust isn’t real? Are you really sure an itty-bitty phantom coerced the beastly Astra to do something—someone—he despised? Why, only yesterday you claimed such a feat is impossible.”

Okay, she needed to zip it until she figured out an endgame. Antagonizing a monster might feel good in the moment, but she’d be better off ensuring every barb served a purpose. The goal was freedom, not the assuaging of pride.

His fiery gaze scanned her features. “In these chains, you’ll be unable to disembody or use the key to the Realm of the Forgotten.”

Truth? She tried to flash...to mist... She failed. Don’t panic. Her options had dwindled, yes, but a few endured. Maybe. Hopefully. Could she convince him some phantoms were good?

Torchlight cast flickering shadows over his brutal features, blending with the soul-light. Hunger reignited as she imagined suckling at his throat.

Roc shuddered, his expression brutal.

No, she couldn’t convince him some phantoms were good. She doubted anyone had the ability to do it.

“Erebus sent her to spy on me, just as he boasted. We didn’t ice over in her presence because of a mystical ring.” Again, he directed his statements to his men. “We’ll sweep the palace and the city within the walls. I don’t know what she’s done to strike at us. I suspect she’s helping the phantoms breach our borders without our knowledge.”

If glares were daggers, Taliyah would be bleeding from multiple gashes right now.

Which Astra can I tap into?

Murmurs erupted from the harpies. “A soulsucker?”

“As in...a phantom?”

Well, she’d hated hiding her origins. Now the secret was out.

“Boys, I can verify Roc’s words this once. I’m afraid I did strike at you.” Taliyah exaggerated a wince, all my bad. If she kept talking, she might be able to prove herself independent of Erebus. It couldn’t hurt. “I know, I know. How dare I strike at the ones who conquered my realm and plan my murder? Lesson learned.”

Did Roc flinch ever so slightly? “You are a soulsucker, Taliyah. How are you able to converse somewhat intelligently?”

Somewhat? Jerk. “Maybe I’m gifted,” she said with a shrug. “Or special. A new species of phantom, perhaps? Maybe I’m Erebus’s daughter. Maybe he’s perfected the art of making us. Take your pick.” Mixing truth with a misdirection didn’t seem as dangerous as avoiding the truth altogether.