Yesterday, she’d gifted him with her virginity, willing to fight time-honored traditions on his behalf. She’d given him so much. But what had he given her? Grief. A possible promise of death.

After hours of scouring, he sent a quick message to Vasili, then tugged Taliyah to her feet. Her beauty never failed to mesmerize him. In a tight black T-shirt that ended well before her navel, and shorts made of a tough blue material known as denim, she nearly stopped his heart. Pale skin flushed for him.

“Be my precious and pause your studies? I have a gift for you,” he said.

Never, not in the whole of his life, could he have predicted her reaction. Squealing, she pushed him back into his chair and straddled his lap, making his chair skid back. “A gift for me? Gimme! Immediately. I’ll be your precious!”

The tightness in his chest dissipated completely. I will give this woman a gift every day for the rest of her life.

All thirteen days of it.

The thought torched what happiness he’d rallied.

“Roc! My gift. I believe I mentioned I wanted it immediately.” She bounced against him. “Is it a sword? I bet it’s a sword. I love it already.”

“Give your husband a kiss first.” Would she do it, or would she challenge him?

She smiled down at him. “If you want a kiss, baby, you’re going to have to take it.”

With pleasure. He clasped her nape and brought her mouth to his. The sweetness of her taste drove him wild. She is...home.

As he thrust his tongue against hers, he stood with her in his arms and flashed her into the duplicate realm. The master suite, to be exact, where he’d stored the nine-and eight-star contenders for General. There were twenty-four in total. There were over a hundred others with one to seven stars. Those females he’d placed in the surrounding rooms.

He ended the kiss reluctantly, brushed the tip of his nose against hers and set her on her feet. “Behold. Your gift.”

For a moment, she remained captivated by him, leering at his lips and licking her own. The sight of her aroused him painfully, even as he grinned, so pleased with her he could burst.

Her attention veered, and she caught sight of the harpies. Mouth agape, she spun. “The duplicate realm.” She clapped while jumping up and down. “Oh, Roc! I do love it.” She rushed from cot to cot, touching faces and patting hands. “Wake them up. Come on, come on. Wake them up, and I’ll do dirty things with you later.”

“Do you attempt to bribe the Commander of the Astra, wife?” How he managed to deadpan the question he might never know.

“Yes! But full disclosure, I plan to do dirty things to you regardless. I have to. Your kiss was begging for it.”

Every inch of him begged for it.

“Hey! Everyone here is vying for the title of General. I didn’t notice that detail with the crystal. Why are they together like this?”

Oh. That. He pulled at the collar of his shirt. “Each of my men selected a potential bride for me. They chose from the surrounding rooms.”

“You have eight men. There were ten harpies in the throne room.”

Her tone had sharpened. Did Taliyah think he’d chosen the other two? Was she...jealous? “I’m supposed to pick the woman I’m most attracted to, which is usually the most bloodthirsty.” He’d always enjoyed a good challenge, and he must admit, he’d always experienced disappointment when the bride gave up and accepted her lot. “Ian and Halo discovered my preoccupation with a certain blonde, blue-eyed harpy-snake, so they selected two in her image.”

“Tell me when and how you first noticed me.” She climbed into a cot and stretched out beside a harpy with sable hair and skin a shade lighter. “Go on.”

“I saw you at the market. I wanted you.”

She wrinkled her brows. “That’s it? How shallow of you, Astra. I, at least, observed how scary you were before I admired the battering ram in your pants.”

He barked out a laugh. How he loved this playful side of her personality. Few had the privilege of experiencing it. “You want the harpies woken up, Taya. So be it.” He made a few mental adjustments to the air that flowed into the room. Right on cue, the females began to stir.

Some stretched, others moaned. Most threw fists around as they lumbered to their feet.

“Hey, hey, hey!” Taliyah called. “It’s okay. Everything’s okay. There’s a lot you don’t know.”

Roc was spotted, and every harpy leaped up, assuming a battle position. Hisses and the most vicious threats were tossed in his direction.

“No one touches him,” Taliyah screeched. Everyone went silent, every gaze swinging her way. “You want to fight with him later, fine, go for it. Until we’ve killed Erebus Phantom, the commander of the Astra Planeta is your best friend.”