But she doesn’t do either of those things. “C’mon,” she says. “Let’s get you over to your bed so you can get some rest.”

He stands but puts too much weight on his knee and almost goes down. She holds him, giving him support, the way he once gave her support on the first day she walked. She helps him all the way to the bed, and when he flops onto it, her arm is looped around him in such a way that she’s pulled down onto the bed too.


“Stop apologizing for everything,” she tells him. “Save it for your more important screwups.”

Now they lie side by side on his bed, his aching back stinging even more pressed against the blanket. She could get up, but she doesn’t. Instead she rolls slightly toward him and brushes her fingers across a scrape on his chest, checking to see if it needs a bandage, then determining it doesn’t.

“You’re quite the freak, Camus Comprix. How I got used to that is a mystery to me. I did, though.”

“But you still wish I was never made, don’t you?”

“But you were, and you’re here, and I’m here with you.” Then she adds, “And I only hate you sometimes.”

“And other times?”

She leans toward him, thinks about it for a moment, then kisses him. It’s more than a peck, but only slightly more. “Other times, I don’t.” Then she rolls onto her back and stays there beside him.

“Don’t read too much into this, Cam,” she tells him. “I can’t be what you want.”

“There are lots of things I want,” he points out. “Who says I have to have all of them?”

“Because you’re Roberta’s spoiled little boy. You always get whatever your rewound heart desires.”

Cam sits up so he can look at her. “So unspoil me. Teach me to be patient. Teach me that there are some things worth waiting for.”

“And some things you might never have?”

He thinks about his answer, then says, “If that’s what you have to teach me, then that’s what I’ll have to learn—but what I want most is something I think I can have.”

“What might that be?”

He takes her hand and holds it. “This moment, right now, in a thousand different ways. If I can have that, then the rest won’t matter as much.”

She sits up and pulls her hand away from his, but only so she can brush it through his hair. She seems to be just looking at the wound on his scalp, but maybe not.

“If that’s really what you want most,” she says gently, “maybe you can have it. Maybe we both can.”

Cam smiles. “I’d like that very much.”

And for the first time since being wound, he feels tears welling in his eyes that he knows are truly his own.

Part Six

Fight or Flight

Google search: “Feral teenagers.” About 12,100 results (0.12 seconds)

Global Faultlines | World Politics, Political Economy, Contemporary . . . “Nihilistic and feral teenagers” the Daily Mail called them: the crazy youths from all walks of life who raced around the streets mindlessly and . . .

The Black Flag Cafe© - View topic - feral teenagers attack . . . 3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jul 7, 2007—feral teenagers attack once more........ » Fri Jul 06, 2007 10:31 pm. WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - Two teenagers were accused of . . .

Feral007’s Blog—Random rants about feral teenagers » teenagers Random rants about feral teenagers. Day to day problems of a single parent with teenagers! What to do?

Feral Teenagers Attack Strangers in Philadelphia Aug 18, 2011—The word “wilding” refers to gangs of teenagers assaulting strangers for fun and . . .

“Feral” teenagers beat man to death - News - Wigan Today Apr 4, 2007—Two “feral” teenagers who subjected a harmless and deeply vulnerable Wigan man to months of bullying before savagely . . .