“I’m afraid not,” Liam said, although he looked torn. Not torn enough to let me go, though.

“Release her and I will stay and face what passes for justice in the Circle these days.”

“You would die for this one?” Liam asked incredulously.

“I have been trying to avoid it” was the dry-as-sandpaper response.

“Then go, while you still can!”

“Not without her.”

“A life debt is not transferable,” Liam said furiously. “I might owe you my life, but I don’t owe it to her!”

Pritkin lunged forward and Liam struck out with an elbow, catching him on the chin. It snapped his head back hard enough to break his neck, had he been fully human. Thankfully, he wasn’t. He rolled back to a crouched position and flung out a hand. I didn’t hear an incantation, but he’d done something. Because Liam jerked like he’d been shot and hit the ground hard enough to carve a furrow in the dirt.

I scurried back out of the way as Liam looked up. Stray light played over his face, distorting the features with odd ripples and shadows. If I hadn’t known better, I’d have guessed him for the one with the demon father. He threw a spell that caught Pritkin in the upper body, knocking him off his feet and using up what remained of my patience.

I hadn’t wanted to carry a gun to a supposedly friendly meeting, so the only weapons I had were a couple of ghostly knives that resided in a bracelet around my wrist. Despite their appearance, they were deadly, which was why I hadn’t already used them—I was supposed to be trying to keep the Circle intact, not to help destroy it. But if I had to choose between Liam and Pritkin, Liam was toast.

Pritkin had staggered back up, looking the worse for the wear. But when he saw what I was doing, he shook his head. “Don’t kill him!”

Liam was also back on his feet, but he didn’t attack. “She wields a dark weapon—what a surprise.” The mist in his eyes grew thicker, coalescing into something unpleasant as he stared at me. “Like father, like daughter!”

“My father worked for a member of the vampire mafia,” I admitted, “but that doesn’t make him—”

But Liam wasn’t listening. “Be grateful I don’t put a bullet in your head right now,” he spat. “I can guarantee that no one would question it!”

The hate in his face killed any impulse to try to win him over. I stopped extending myself, my defenses slamming firmly into place. I didn’t reply, just sent him an expression that was the facial equivalent of the finger.

I was sick of the Circle treating me like roadkill because I hadn’t come out of their precious initiate pool. Okay, my track record wasn’t perfect, but considering the amount of training I’d received for this job, it could have been a lot worse. And maybe I’d have done a little better if they had ever made the slightest attempt to work with me.

“It would be the last thing you did,” Pritkin promised.

Liam sucked in a breath. “How can you defend her?” he demanded. “Consider what she came from! A dark mage for a father, a ruined initiate for a mother, a vampire for a surrogate and, if the rumors are to be believed, another for a lover! Can’t you see what’s coming? Hell, man, open your eyes! She’s already divided the Circle and helped to start a war, and she hasn’t been on the throne a month yet! What’s next?”

“She hasn’t been on the throne at all,” Pritkin replied as the two men circled each other. “Thanks to you and the rest of the Circle, she’s never even seen it.”

“And she never will,” Liam said flatly. He launched himself at Pritkin and the two men lurched around the sand together.

Meanwhile, the clouds above us had formed themselves into what looked an awful lot like a tornado. A big, blue tornado spitting lightning at everything in its path. It whirled and writhed as if possessed, twisting bluish black clouds into a violent surge of pure force. Heat was coming off it—dizzying, sear-your-skin heat—while the inner column glowed with a light that permeated even the clouds. It painted the landscape with madly leaping shapes and cast light shadows on the other war mages, who had landed and were now running for us at top speed.

I ignored them, far more worried about the way the clouds were funneling down into a sharp point maybe a mile away. “Is it supposed to do that?” I asked hysterically.

Both men paused to look at me, but then the rest of the mages were on us and the fight began in earnest. Half a dozen jumped Pritkin, while I stood there and watched as the awesome power of the ley line pulsed, crested—and drained into the breach it had made into our world. Someone grabbed my arms, pulling them back brutally, but I hardly noticed. The tornado or whatever it was finished spiraling down to some goal just out of sight. And then the sky burned white.

I had time to see Pritkin turn his face away, the bones beneath his skin etched in the instant of brilliant glare. The surrounding brush and boulders and the worn leather of his beaten-up coat were all suddenly, vividly clear as the flash seared away their color. The flare was followed by a sound louder than a thunderclap, only worse; it knifed through my eardrums, filling my whole head with the vibration of it.

My eyelids squeezed shut, but a soundless white light burned through my lids as the ground rumbled beneath my feet. A hot rush of wind tangled my hair and the mage holding my arm abruptly let go. I raised my hands to help shield my eyes, but the ligh

t was already gone. After a moment, I cautiously peeked out from between my fingers, trying to get my vision to work again. But for a long moment, I couldn’t see anything but a leaping field of red.

The haze eventually lifted to show me a black sky littered with stars instead of searing white or dancing blue flames. As incredible as it seemed, it was over. Except for the fierce hail of debris. The mages combined their shields to protect the area while I crouched down, hands over my head, as rubble smashed against the shield in blooms of red-orange fire.

The barrage finally stopped and the mages dropped the shield with a wave of relieved sighs. Something brushed my hand, and I looked down to see a few gray flakes trembling on the breeze before blowing away. Ash.

All around us, a soft rain of ash was falling, filling the air, covering the sand. Something over the hill was burning. Great boiling clouds hung on the horizon, eating the stars, dark at the tops but red-lit from below where flames fingered the sky.

“My God,” someone said, “it hit MAGIC.”