“There were several younger children. I didn’t—”

“Clutching a bear? She never goes anywhere without it.”


I nodded. It was the first good news I’d heard. “Billy, I need you to find a way out of the casino for the kids upstairs. One of them, a little girl, is clairvoyant. She should be able to hear you. Get the kids out into the open. Into direct sunlight.” Pritkin had said that worked on most demons. I only hoped these were among that number.

“Right. I’ll go play with the kiddies while you sacrifice yourself. Not happening.”

“I don’t have time to argue!” I said, tugging off his necklace and putting it into Françoise’s hands. “Give this to the little clairvoyant. I think her name is Jeannie,” I told her. She took it, but looked very confused; I wasn’t sure how much of this she was able to understand.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Billy demanded.

“If I don’t make it, she’ll look after you.”

“That’s not the point!” he said, more angry than I’d ever seen him.

“Billy will find you a way out,” I told Françoise. “Look for three old crones—they will probably be in the lobby.” Casanova had said the Graeae were drawn to trouble. I just hoped they hadn’t decided to take the day off. “They’ll help you get to the kids.”

“A ghost, three old women and a witch who has already fought us and lost,” Rosier mused. “Personally, I would reconsider, pixie.”

I didn’t even bother to look at Radella. I knew how she’d choose; the expression on her face had been eloquent. Besides, Françoise had me in a hug that was threatening to choke me. “No! I weel not leave you again!”

“I am Pythia!” I said, detaching her arms with a less-than-dignified struggle. “And you will do as I say.”

“Yes, do as she says, witch. You’re no match for us,” Rosier added helpfully.

Françoise turned on him, eyes furious, and uttered a single, harsh word. It wasn’t the liquid syllables of French, or any other language I knew. It was low and guttural, and the power behind it made my skin crawl. Something flew straight at Rosier, something I couldn’t see too well in the low light, but he turned it back with a tiny, casual gesture. The spell slammed into the stained-glass window above my head, sending a shower of brightly colored shards raining down all around me.

I grabbed Françoise by the arms before she could try again, shaking her as hard as I could. “He’s right! You can’t help me. But you can help them! Now get out of here. Go!” I gave her a shove toward the stairs.

She looked from me to the demon and back again, confusion and pain on her face. I don’t know what she would have decided if Rosier hadn’t flicked a finger, sending several dark shapes peeling away from the main mass. They didn’t bother with the stairs, but shot straight up through the ceiling. Straight toward the rest of the children.

I was going to point out that Rosier must be more worried about her power than he let on, to send reinforcements. But I didn’t get the chance. Françoise turned and ran.

Billy didn’t budge. “Billy!”

“I—this—you can’t seriously expect me to—”

“You can bring the cavalry back here once the kids are safe.”

“You’ll be dead by then!”

Rosier laughed. Apparently demons could hear ghosts, too.

“And how do you expect to prevent that if you stay?” I demanded. “Go where you can do some good!”

“Don’t ask me to do this.”

“Billy, please,” I stopped, not knowing how to convince him. If he refused to help, it decreased Françoise’s chances by a hell of a lot. The longer the kids stayed in the dark, the longer Rosier’s servants had to find a way to destroy them. And Misfits or not, they were only children.

“The Cassie and Billy show, remember?” he said, suddenly tentative. “Where you go, I go.”

“Except that doesn’t work anymore.” And God, didn’t I miss the days when it did. “Please, Billy. Do this one thing for me.”

His shoulders sagged and his face crumpled. “It better not be the last thing, is all,” he said, quietly furious. “Because if you end up dead, I’m going to make your afterlife hell!”

Radella fluttered in front of my face the second he disappeared. “If you die, how do I get the rune?” she demanded.