William gave her a minute before coming up to her. “Look, it’s been almost an hour. I rented us a room. Why don’t we do another lap, make sure we haven’t missed anyone, and head up so you can get a moment out of those heels?”

Anne started to frown, but then shrugged and took another sip. Good. He would work with that, even if she were so annoyed that she didn’t have it in her to scold him right now. He couldn’t help if he kept remembering what they’d had together.

They each took their tour of the room separately. Anne transforming into a bubbling idiot who made sure to stand close enough to people for her wire to pick up conversations, and William kept it light enough to prevent any former enemies from joining in the hunt for his hide. If anyone knew he was working for the police, his business would be done.

He ran into Egerton once more just as he headed back to Anne.

“Ah, Will. I wanted to have a word with you before you and your lady flitted off.” Egerton stood uncomfortably close to him. “I’ve heard that you’re looking for additional security. Wisdom would suggest that a proper alliance would give you more security than any idiot thug you could hire.”

William raised a brow. “Would it? And what would my partner get out of such an alliance?”

“A certain cut, of course. But moreover, it would be best if both parties could be certain you were going to remain at work.” Egerton put his hand on William’s shoulder. “Can’t do business behind bars, can you?”

“No, I don’t suppose I could.” William started to pull back, but Egerton tightened his grip.

“This is commonly known, and you may have heard on the other side, but it was your father who made it easy for you to get pinched to begin with. He knew some of your business and gave up information on some of your deals.”

William froze, staring at Egerton. He was caught between believing and not believing. It was entirely possible that his father had helped him to get arrested. The man had never been thrilled that William went into business on his own anyway.

“Oh, it’s true.” Egerton smiled, stretching his pale lips into a near grimace. “Just a free sample of what you could have with the right partner, son. Not everyone knows how to treat their own right.”

“And you would? Would that include another knife in my side?”

“Don’t be foolish. I’ve been keeping an eye on you lately, but I never ordered that hit.”

“Then who did?” William pressed. He was beginning to sweat and felt uncomfortable standing this close to Egerton. “That gun has definitely worked for you before.”

“It took me some time to convince this particular gun to work for me exclusively. Not unlike you.” Egerton let William go and reached over to fix William’s collar. “I was trying to entice you to work for me back then, too, if you’ll remember.”

“Of course, I do. And I said no.”

“But not quickly enough for the taste of some.” Egerton looked down at William’s hand. “What have you done with that lovely ring your mother gave you? She was one of the best, you know. Not just your father’s helpmeet, but a true right hand. Do you remember how she trained you to take care of yourself? She gave him and me similar training, and others, before she died.”

William instinctively brushed Egerton’s hands away from his suit. “I have to go meet with Anne.”

“Remember what I said, William. And if you don’t believe me, consider what you know about me. If I were truly angry with you, no one would be able to identify what was left,” Egerton said cheerfully. “I could call your father if I wanted, not leave him a bloody message. I speak for myself, not through corpses.”

Egerton left him then, and William found it hard to breathe. It was entirely too possible that his father had not only been the one to clip his wings by sending him to prison, but had also ordered someone to stab him. It would explain the difference in method from the same killer, and why William was still alive at all. And it would explain why his father had been so dismissive of the injury while William was in the hospital.

He’d known all along that William would most likely get to medical help in time. He had just wanted William to be frightened away from working for someone else. But his plans had failed, and William had pulled away from his manipulations entirely to start his own business. How that must gall the old man!

Anne appeared by his side with another glass of champagne and pushed it into his hands. “What did Egerton tell you? You’re as white as milk.”

“Oh, I am not,” William snapped. “Are you ready to go upstairs, or do you fancy another go on the dance floor?”