“You’re not looking at the dress, love,” William said with a chuckle. “You look amazing. I knew you needed something simple. Once you’ve got your hair done up and the right earrings, you’ll fit right in. No one will ever know you’re packing.”

He’d meant the last bit as a joke, but Anne only felt her chest grow tighter. If only her anxiety had to do with the gala. She had been able to come off so strong with him until now, mostly because she’d been on the job. It was easy to put on a façade of brusque indifference when the case was between them. Now, nothing stood between them but a thin bit of luxurious fabric.

“Anne?” William tilted his head.

“It’s a nice dress.”

“Nice? It’s Zuhair Murad.”

“When do you have time to know all these designers between your felonies?”

William’s hand moved down her back. “I was also quite the lothario before my time in the clink.”

“So I’m not the first woman you’ve dazzled with a selection of ugly and expensive dresses.”

“I’ve bought dresses for dates before, but you, my dear, are the only one I’ve allowed a private fitting in my bedroom.” William gave the back of her hair a teasing pull. She touched her head and fought a smile in return. He continued, “However, I’ve never in my life had a woman as unimpressed as you are by fine evening wear.”

“Just not that kind of girl, I guess. God knows I tried to be, but it wasn’t in the cards for us.” Anne shrugged and walked away from the mirror, holding the sides of her dress.

“I suppose I do understand what it’s like to take on adult roles too early.” William shrugged and put his hands in his pockets. “I’ve never had the responsibility of raising anyone, though. It’s a difficult job, but you are allowed to enjoy things sometimes. Are you uncomfortable wearing dresses like these? I think they suit you more than you know.”

“Maybe this one will do. I don’t have to be the most beautiful woman at the ball. I just need to fit in well enough to have your back.” Anne didn’t want to turn again. It would be too tempting to let him close to her again.

“Lucky for us, you’ll both have my back, and be the most beautiful. I guarantee it.”

“You’re such a liar. Why did I ever get involved with a grifter?” Anne flounced onto the bed and crossed her arms. “Go, so I can change back into a pumpkin and get back to work?”

“As you wish.” William strolled out but took one last look back at her.

It was anyone’s guess what he was thinking, but Anne knew her thoughts were running wild to places they should never go again. It wasn’t just that he flattered her by telling her she was beautiful, or that he threatened to spoil her with nice things. It was that her body seemed to remember him and react without her permission. It wanted him, and she too had to admit that she’d missed their back and forth. She’d missed his teasing. His humor. His passion. She missed William. In spite of all her trepidations, she was about to walk into a lavish party on his arm.

A gun wasn’t close to the kind of protection she needed in this situation.

Chapter Nine

There was no reason for William to be driving up to Anne’s house. He could’ve easily had her dress sent to her once his tailor had finished with it. Regardless, there was the house. The tall tree in the front yard under which they’d kissed, trying to avoid waking Michelle. The swing on the porch where they had talked about losing their mothers and nodded in complicit silence about their fathers. If there was one thing they had in common, it was complicated family.

That was the thing about Anne. She was smart and competitive, but she was going nowhere until her little sister had everything she needed. William sighed and exited the car with the dress and a bouquet of flowers. It was likely that Anne wasn’t there, and he knew it. But if he could convince Michelle to let him wait, then maybe he could come up with a good reason to be here.

Seeing Anne in those lovely dresses had only reminded him of what he truly wanted with her. He wanted her on his arm, and not just for a night. Things hadn’t changed between them though. She was too stubborn to give up her job, and he didn’t think she was willing to openly date William Spencer. Before Anne, he hadn’t minded the occasional tabloid coverage of his potential illicit behaviors and torrid affairs. Something about being notorious appealed to him. He had never reached the heights (or depths) of the business his father did, but he still didn’t qualify for a white hat, and it was well-known.

William pressed the doorbell and listened. He wondered if Anne had gotten it fixed yet, and then gave a rap on the hard wooden frame.