It cost him a few hundred to bribe his way through the ticketing line. One older woman asked him what his hurry was, and he told her that he was about to lose his fiancée, so she gave him his twenty back and shooed him on his way.

Finally, after a security line that he couldn’t bribe his way through—this was why he took the jet everywhere—Emrys went about searching every gate being used by Caitlyn’s airline. Every damn one. Seven gates later, and he spotted her hair. Caitlyn had woven it into a spunky pair of short braids on either side of her head. It was long enough for that now, since Emrys had insisted during her time at the palace that she not cut it.

He hesitated to approach her now. After everything he’d done to get here, he could still lose it all. He couldn’t force her to forgive him or to understand why he did things so backwardly and underhandedly. Could he make himself be the open, honest lover that she needed? He hoped so, but after his past failures, he couldn’t expect her to just trust that he would. And now there was no way for him to get her to come to him.

Emrys raked a hand through his hair, realizing that it still had the stiff hairspray and temporary dye that made it look grayer for his character. He could’ve cleaned up on the set but had been in a rush to get back to the hotel. He was at a disadvantage here. He could approach her now or track her down later and find a more opportune moment to win back her affections.

Caitlyn would be right to leave him, if he did that. He would be manipulating her, and she would only leave again the next time she noticed. Emrys brushed his hands over his scruffy outfit and went over to her.

When Caitlyn spotted him, her eyes widened, her brow furrowed, and then her eyes began to well up with tears. Just as she began to rise to get away from him, he dropped to his knees in front of her.

“Emrys, stop it,” she hissed.

“I have to explain. Please let me explain.”

“What is wrong with your hair? Is that co—”

“I haven’t changed from the set.” Emrys gestured to his hair, his clothes. “I rushed to get to you only to find you gone. The fault is mine, Cait, but please…”

Caitlyn flushed and looked away. She curled a hand around her waist. “If you talk, I’m just going to forgive you. That’s not right. It’s not okay, what you’ve been doing. Why don’t you just tell me what you want from me!”

They had the attention of everyone within earshot now. For once, Emrys had an audience he didn’t want at all.

“I want you to be with me,” Emrys said. “I want you to marry me, but you said no before.” He held up a hand when she started to protest. “I know you said that because you thought I didn’t mean it. I know you think that I cheated on you, but I didn’t. Nina’s an actress. She was talking to me about our characters, that’s all. And no, I didn’t tell you about her when I got the part, but that was only because she hadn’t even been cast then! I found out about her when I got to the set.”

“I want to believe you,” Caitlyn said in a shaky voice. “But you’ve lied to me so much. Why didn’t you tell me once you knew?”

“I suppose I don’t really think of Nina that way. But it was more that I was preoccupied with my work by that time. I truly regret that you had to see that picture, and even more that it caused you so much stress.” Emrys sat back on his heels. Caitlyn twisted her fingers in her lap and straightened her back, and it became apparent that she’d put on a little bit of weight since he’d seen her last. That was fine. He had preferred her with a few more curves, anyway. “As for the issue with my mother, I wanted to ease your transition into our family. They can be so picky about small details. The sooner Mother accepts you, the sooner Father will give in and finally grant us permission to marry.”

Emrys took one of her fidgeting hands. “And I want that, Caitlyn. It’s not just about the trust fund. The trust is an irritation, a reminder of the power my father holds over me, but I don’t need it! If I have my career and I have you, I don’t need it at all.”

Caitlyn covered her lips and valiantly fought to hold back her tears.

“As soon as you are ready, Cait, I want you to be my wife. I understand that you might want more time, but I’ve never stopped loving you, either. Though…I haven’t loved you to the best of my ability. I will do better—I swear it. If you’ll let me.”

“I-I, um…” Caitlyn stammered.

She let out a soft sob and tears trickled down her cheeks. Emrys reached up to wipe them away. Suddenly, she grabbed his face in both hands and kissed him fiercely. Applause from the other waiting passengers surrounded them.