“Then why no

t stop it?”

“I can’t stop it.”

“Why not?”

“Because she isn’t me!”

“Creep factor intensifying.”

“Would you listen? She was roaming around the theatre’s guts while we were upstairs, and she overheard—”

“Roaming around? She can roam around now? Like what? A ghost?”

“Not exactly—”

“When did this start?”

“Just recently—”

“I know it’s just recently, or I’d know about it!” He glanced around the room, and he was looking genuinely spooked. “Is she here now?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think so.”

“You don’t know?” He got up.

I pushed him back down.

“Just listen.”

“You can’t spring something like that on a guy and then say, ‘Just listen.’ Like it’s nothing. Is she gonna keep doing this?”

“Doing what?”

“Just . . . adding more powers?”

“I don’t know—”

“Well, what do you know?”

“That you’re getting on my last nerve!”

We sat there, glaring at each other for a moment, before Ray let out a breath he didn’t need. “All right. I’m listening. What?”

I told him.

“Okay, no.” He got up and headed for the door.

I caught him halfway.

“Look, Ray—”

“No, you look! Geminus’ group was straight-up savage, okay? Everybody knew it; nobody messed with ’em. Until he died. And the damned Senate got involved and cleaned house! They killed every one of his boys who were even suspected of smuggling—”

“I know that.”

“—so if anyone decided to go right back to what just got half their family butchered? They are not the kind of guys you wanna mess with!”