“You need more,” one of them said, holding up his mug, which was the size of a soup bowl. And had another elbow him in the ribs.

“I thought you guys didn’t like it.”

“We’re trying to acclimatize ourselves to your strange Earth foodstuffs,” a second one said, but he wasn’t looking at me. He was looking at another tall, well-built blond, a carbon copy of all the rest except for his expression.

His expression was . . . well, shit.

“Is there a problem?” I asked, because clearly.

There was no answer. But the stare-down continued—why, I didn’t know. I’d spent the day sleeping. Pissing off somebody while unconscious was a new one, even for me.

“Reiðarr,” a taller fey said, and put a hand on the angry one’s arm.

And had it immediately shrugged off.

I looked between the two of them. “Okay, what?”

“It’s nothing,” Coffee Lover said.

“Seems kind of tense for nothing.”

“He’s being ridiculous—”

“Watch yourself!” Reiðarr flushed, and his hand flexed. The one on the same side as his sword. “It’s my right—”

“It’s your neck!” Coffee Lover snapped. “The king likes this one—”

“Then he should have put her under his protection!”

The tall fey, who was also a little bulkier, and who hadn’t liked having his hand shrugged off, smiled at him. It wasn’t a particularly nice expression. “Maybe he doesn’t think she needs it.”

Angry Ass didn’t like that, turning flashing eyes on his supposed ally.

“You’re only doing this because the king’s away,” Coffee Lover accused.

“He’s still away?” I asked.

“He remains at your Senate. He should be back soon.” He shifted his gaze to his buddy. “Which is why you should wait until he returns.”

“He’s afraid he won’t allow it,” one of the others said. “I told you—”

“Won’t allow what?” I asked. Because I hadn’t had my coffee yet—or eggs or toast or anything else—and was getting annoyed.

“Tell her,” the tall one said.

“It’s my right,” Reiðarr repeated, ignoring him. Because I guess I didn’t merit an explanation.

His fellow fey just looked at him, with expressions ranging from embarrassed to pissed off. Like when the angry drunk guy who wants to fight everyone is your cousin. Only I didn’t think this guy was drunk.

I didn’t know what he was, and wondered if I cared.

“It is!” he insisted.

Annnnd the verdict was in.

“Fuck this,” I said, and headed for the stairs.

And had a heavy hand grab my shoulder and spin me around, which was not the problem.