But she heard everything. Including his voice.

Mina snatched up the broken mirror and held it up, desperately trying to see in the only intact piece left in the frame.

“Come on.” She turned and angled the mirror. And almost dropped it again.

Two of them appeared in the reflection, fighting to hold back her death. Her heart burst, and she couldn’t control the tears. Jared and Teague. She turned, searching for them with her eyes but saw only an empty street. Was it because they were both dead? Was that the only way to hold back Death?

Jared cried out as the omen bit his shoulder, and he lost his grip on the dog. The dog rolled off and faced Teague, who stood directly in front of her. Shielding her with his body. He held his arms wide open like she’d seen her mom do, and he said in a loud voice, “Death, you’ve been trying to claim me for over a century. Take me instead. For I no longer fear you. I am free.”

Jared yelled at his other half and dove for the dog, but the omen was too fast. He opened his mouth and lunged at Teague.

In a blast of black smoke, they both disappeared.

Mina screamed Teague’s name and stood, but the parking lot was empty. Only a black circle remained on the ground where Death had claimed Teague.

“No, no, no.” Mina stared at the blackened spot, vision blurring, and she clenched her hands. A tingle on her hand told her Jared was still there, although she couldn’t seem him. She closed her eyes and opened her hand. His fingers slid between hers and gave a gentle squeeze.

“Please don’t go. I can’t lose you. I need you.”

She felt another slight tingly sensation on her cheek and brought her hand up to touch the spot where Jared had kissed her. It felt like a goodbye kiss. This couldn’t be happening.

How could he even be here? She was losing him again.

“Jared, how are you here?”

“They’re here because of me,” Taz Clara spoke. Her eyes glistened with power. “The power I gleaned feeding from you and from the prince’s death afforded me enough strength to pull… memories from him as he died. What I learned surprised me. The prince, being separated for so long, created two distinct souls. They never fully fit together properly again. It was easy to sort through and find the largest group of memories. They came to me almost eagerly, so I took them with me. Strangely, both souls were attached to the memories, like they were a puzzle piece connecting the two princes.”

“And the omen?”

“Well, you saved Teague. I suppose sacrificing his soul for you was his way of saying thank you. Don’t be fooled, girl. Both souls loved you dearly. And you still have one part of him left, although I can’t sustain him in this form very long.”

The sprite who had once divided the prince waved her hand in front of Jared, and he became corporeal in front of Mina.

“Oh, Mina.” He hugged her to him.

>“But sleep is not your destiny.”

“Was it your destiny to die by my hand?”

“You freed me, and for that, I can never repay you.” Teague’s eyes were so full of love and understanding—the way they should have always been. He looked at her—not with accusation or contempt—but simple adoration and love. Seeing those emotions made her feel inadequate.

“I killed you! You can’t possibly forgive me for that. Not when I don’t forgive myself.”

Teague came forward and wrapped his strong hands around her. “I forgave you the moment you stole my heart. A part of me will always live on.” He pulled away just enough to touch her heart. “In here. Forever. But only if you wake up and fight for it.”

“I want to stay here with you until I die.”

“Which will be any minute. Don’t waste your life feeling guilty. Because the thought of losing you will kill what’s left of me for sure.”

“I can’t.” She felt her lip tremble, and Teague leaned down, his lips gently brushing against hers in the softest of requests. Asking for her love in return. They brushed against her lips again, and she met him for the kiss. His hands wrapped gently around her face to hold her in place as he deepened the kiss.

She was drowning in the kiss. Losing herself to the feelings. Her lips started to tingle and go numb.

The kiss changed. Teague pressed his lips down and blew into her mouth, forcing her to breathe. Mina opened her eyes in surprise and gasped for breath before rolling over on the beach and emptying her lungs of water.

Her hair stuck to her face, and she peeled it away to take in her surroundings.

She was utterly alone on the beach—at the edge of a warzone. Her heart broke all over again, and fresh tears stung her eyes. Mina collapsed back onto the sand, trying to ignore the way it rubbed against her. And—was she sitting on something? Her bag! She tugged it out from underneath her hip and checked inside. Relief flooded her. She hadn’t lost the Grimoire in the bay.