The proverbial light bulb switched on in Mina’s mind. What if she was here to sway Teague’s decision from Annalora to Ever or Dinah? Mina gently slid off a glass slipper and saw that the diamonds had started to fall again. That had to be it! Her quest wasn’t to save her family but to save the prince before her time ran out.


Mina paced her room like a grounded teenager. She would try and rest in a chair for a few minutes, but then she’d have the urge to move. The slippers sat on the edge of her bed, taunting her. She was afraid to put them on. What if they sent her spiraling back to the future before she was ready?

But at the same time she was ready. She couldn’t help but think of home and Brody. Her heart ached. Prince Charming was probably worried sick and she hadn’t even dropped a slipper for him to find her. Inwardly, she cringed at the thought of him alone with the Lara and Daphne at the ball. Mina should be there with him, not here.

“You seem upset.” His voice came from the shadows of her room. She almost cringed at how much he sounded like Jared. Teague moved from the darkness and sat on the one cushioned chair in her room, flinging his long legs over the arm and clasping his hands over his stomach. He looked completely at ease, and it didn’t seem to bother him that he was once again intruding on her privacy.

“I am upset. Really. Locks on the door would be great.”

“There are locks.” He pointed to the door and the large iron keyhole.

Mina frowned at him. “I mean locks to keep you out.”

He laughed. “There is no such thing.”

“I gathered as much. Since you are once again in my room.”

“This is my room.” He gestured to the whole castle. “All of this belongs to me. I can go where I please. And right now, I feel like being right here.”

There was no use arguing. She moved across the room and sat down on the bed, tucking her feet up under her. Closer to her shoes.

“Why are you here?” Teague’s words lacked their usual spite. “I’ve been pondering the question since I met you, and I can’t come up with a reason. It’s obvious that you aren’t here for the same reason as the others. You had no clue as to the goings on of the test. And why were you wandering around in the royal woods the other night?”

Mina felt her insides clench with nerves. “I’m here to try and save my family.”

“And your family is living in the woods?”

“No.” She measured her words carefully. “Someone cursed my family, and now they’re in danger. I’m here to find a way to save them.”

“So you’re here hoping that if you become my betrothed, I’ll somehow end the curse and save your family?”

“I, uh…uh…no.” The words stuttered out. “That is not my intention. I’m not a fool, and I don’t have false aspirations. I doubt I’ll pass the next test. Everything I’ve done so far has been a complete fluke. But I am hoping that you will find true love and happiness.”

His leg stopped swinging over the arm rest, and he leaned up to look at her. Surprise was all over Teague’s face as he pondered her words. Finally, he said, “Thank you. But I can’t help but wonder why.”

“Why does there need to be a why? You can’t just accept my well wishes?”

“Not without wondering what’s your motive? All females cover their motives behind sweet words and false intentions.”

“No, I’m really hoping that if you find your Happily Ever After, your reign will be a peaceful and prosperous one for all races.” Mina truly believed in every single word she said. “And I think that Ever Farindale is perfect for you. She’s sweet, kind, and would follow you to the ends of the earth.”

A dark shadow hovered over Teague. Was he angry at her suggestion? “Why would you say such things?”

Mina wasn’t sure how she’d upset him, but she sure had.

“Are you trying to influence my decision toward another competitor? Unheard of. You really are surprising.”

“Is it that surprising that I tell you the truth? She loves you, you know.”

“Love? Love has nothing to do with this.”

“Don’t you want to love the person that you will eventually marry?”

“Love, no. Tolerate, yes. The throne demands someone strong. That’s all that matters. Strong bloodlines.”