Jessica put the car in park and then leaned over to speak to the security guard. “Hi! I’m Jessica Billings. I’m Cara’s new nanny.”

The guard narrowed his eyes and checked his clipboard. “I don’t see you on the list.”

She gulped. “Well, I was just hired today. I know that Mr. Sanderson is a very busy man so maybe he forgot to let you know I was bringing Cara back from her haircut.”

Cara rolled her eyes. “It’s true. You know I understand stranger danger. It’s not like she lured me in here with puppies and candy only to bring me right home.”

Jessica shot her charge a look. Sarcasm probably wouldn’t help in this case, judging by the slightly constipated look on the guard’s face. “Do you need to call him? I…” She let out a sharp breath, thinking back to the moment her father had seen Cara that afternoon. “I’m Allen Billings’ daughter.”

The guard’s demeanor changed instantly. He stood straighter, and his eyes went wide, almost as if he were scared. As if Jessica had that kind of power. If she had, she certainly wouldn’t use it against a guy doing a good job of keeping the house and Cara safe. “Mr. Billings? Oh, I’m so sorry, Miss, I didn’t realize.”

Jessica leaned back in her seat. She’d never used her father like that before. Granted, he’d given her the world’s shortest lasting internship as a bit of nepotistic favor when the San Diego Zoo spot fell through, but she’d never been the type before to say, “Do you know who my father is?” Partly because the masses didn’t care about who financed what in this town. But mostly, she avoided it because it wasn’t who she was. It seemed petty and over the top.

Then again, she did have to get Cara tucked home safe for the night. That was a key part of babysitting – return the kiddo.

“Seriously, Grandpa makes sure that Cecile has the food on the table by six, Danny. Can we go?” Cara asked, and damn if she didn’t bat her eyes to make herself look just that much more like a wounded anime character.

Jessica was impressed. Her charge was good at winding the men of the house around her little finger or, at least, getting the guard to cut her slack.

“Of course, and I’m sorry for the delay. You understand that—”

Cara coughed politely. “I don’t want to be late for dinner with Grandpa. He wouldn’t like that either.”

The guard seemed to gulp, and that didn’t leave Jessica with a good feeling in the pit of her stomach. “Good point, Miss Cara, Miss Billings. You both have a good evening.”

Jessica smiled and pulled through the opening gates. “Thanks for the help back there, kiddo.”

Cara beamed at her and pushed a short strand of her brand-new swing bob behind her ear. “That’s okay. Danny means well. He’s pretty nice. Sometimes, he brings his daughter over so we can hang out. She’s younger, like nine, but it’s nice to have someone sometimes.”

“The girls at school can really suck, huh?” Jessica asked as she pulled into the corner of the driveway closest to the garage (she assumed it was a garage even if it was easily as big as the place she shared with several girls off campus) and put the car in park. “I didn’t like middle school much either.”

Cara sighed and looked down at her knees. “We had a good day today, and I’m glad you helped me get that haircut this afternoon. I don’t really like talking about school when I’m not there. My teachers are nice, and what we’re learning is neat, but the mean girls…”

“Are the worst. I hear you on that,” Jessica finished. She eased her way out of the car and then, politely, got the door for Cara. “Tomorrow, I’ll bring over some great activities. I have a few ideas I’m already percolating on for after-school stuff.”

“Great!” Cara said and then squealed, “Hey!”

Confused, Jessica turned her attention to the grandiose double oak doors that marked the entrance to the mansion. An older gentleman stood there, one whose blue eyes reminded her both of Cara and of Brent Sanderson. Otherwise, he was smaller than his son, wiry and lean, and with a well-trimmed white beard and a mane longer than she’d expected for salt-colored hair.

“Grandpa!” the girl shouted as she ran into the older man’s arms.

He took a few steps back but managed not to tumble and then set her down. Stroking her short hair, the older Mr. Sanderson clucked his tongue a bit. “Cara Virginia, what on earth happened to your beautiful hair?”

Cara’s eyes welled with tears. “These girls at school.”