Anomander now faced the left flank, watching as Draconus reined in close to Silchas. Once there, an argument began, but they were too distant, their voices too low, for anything to be heard. Despite that, Kellaras could see Ruin’s shock and then dismay. An instant later, Anomander’s brother was on his horse and riding fast – not towards Anomander, but angling behind the assembled ranks. He was, Kellaras realized, riding for the highborn.

He’ll not get there in time. They have seen Draconus. They have seen what has happened.

‘No message,’ Anomander replied. ‘Join my Houseblades, captain. You will be needed to act in my brother’s stead.’

‘Yes, milord.’

‘Oh, and Kellaras.’


‘Place yourself and my Houseblades under the command of Lord Draconus.’


‘My friend is here in the name of love, captain. In the absence of anything else, is that not a worthy cause? No, let us take his side.’

Kellaras glanced to the far right flank. ‘Milord, the highborn will not be so sentimental—’

‘Sentimental, am I? Is love so paltry a thing, to be plucked and dropped to the ground at the first breath of contempt? Man or

woman, disparaging love is a crime of the soul, for which the future will turn away its face.’

‘I doubt they fear such a fate, milord.’

‘They will learn to, captain. This I swear.’

Sensing a new presence, Kellaras twisted round and saw, a few paces behind them, the Azathanai, Caladan Brood. The huge figure was motionless, his expression revealing nothing. Following his gaze, Anomander grunted and said, ‘I have begun to wonder where you were, Caladan.’

The Azathanai made to speak, but then lifted his face to the sky. A moment later he scowled. ‘Lord Anomander,’ he said, as if exasperated, ‘there will be no more magic from the enemy on this day.’

‘Indeed?’ Anomander snapped. ‘Then should I walk down now, to that brave priest below—’

‘Send soldiers down to collect him.’

‘Their lives are of less worth?’

‘No. But you will be needed here, for the battle is about to begin.’

‘Do you vouch for their safety?’

‘In collecting the poor priest? Yes. In the battle to come, alas, no such thing is possible.’

‘No,’ Anomander replied. ‘I imagine not. Unless, of course, you choose to awaken what is within you, as you did at Dracons Keep.’

‘Milord, shall I slaughter your enemy then?’

‘Can you?’

Caladan Brood nodded.

‘And kill thousands. You would take that burden?’

Baring his teeth, Caladan Brood said, ‘It would not be mine, would it?’

Kellaras sat frozen in place, unable to pull away from the conversation. On the far right flank, the mass of Houseblade companies had begun tearing apart, and among the highborn nobles there was chaos – into which Silchas Ruin now rode.

In answer to Caladan Brood’s question, Anomander said, ‘No, I suppose not.’