‘All sensitivity blunted. And now, Telorast, you went and nearly killed that giant cock!’

‘You didn’t want him in the first place!’

‘Didn’t I? Well, that’s true, I didn’t. But now that he’s useless, I’ve changed my mind!’

‘He’d split you in two, Curdle, even as bloated and big-boned as you’ve made yourself.’

‘I see plenty of flab on you, Telorast!’

‘Not flab. Roundness. There’s a difference. I don’t wobble when I walk. I sway.’

When he made to rise, both women reached out and pulled him back down.

‘We’re not done with you, warrior,’ Curdle said. ‘I’ve been watching you, you know. The blessing of Light is upon you. It defies the Vitr. That’s useful.’

‘Stop that,’ Telorast said. ‘You’re just confusing him.’

‘Confusion is good. It’ll make him more pliable. Warrior, at the least give me your name.’

‘Osserc, son of Lord Vatha Urusander, who is commander of the Legion.’

‘Son, lord, commander – shields to deflect, shields behind which to hide. Let us bring you out into the sunlight, Osserc.’

‘Enough of that, Curdle. Tell him something useful instead.’ Telorast rested a hand on his thigh. ‘A secret we can share. Just to show how generous we are. Tell him about the Grey Shore.’

Curdle flinched, and then leaned forward to glare at Telorast. ‘Are you mad? Our plans are perfect this time! Once we claim the throne, this Light-blessed creature will be our enemy!’

‘Liosan. Their name for Light, Curdle. Besides, this fool here isn’t going anywhere. Haven’t you worked that out yet? I just got here and I worked that out. Is the Vitr rotting your brain, sister? Is that it? Been here too long lusting after that Thel Akai?’

‘We were making eyes at each other. It was delightful! My brain hasn’t rotted. I’m not the one suggesting we blab about the Grey Shore.’

‘They’ll find another name for it,’ said Telorast. ‘They do things like that. We’re Eleint, remember?’

‘Someone really should kill the Suzerain.’

‘Agreed. This time, we’ll see it done. Find the right sword, point it his way, and see his black blood spray!’

‘I’m bored,’ said Curdle. ‘Fuck this warrior, my love. I want to watch.’

‘Do you?’

‘I said I did, didn’t I?’

‘The last time we did that the poor bastard got ripped to pieces.’

‘Not by my claws, Telorast!’

‘Well, it’s exciting when you watch!’

Curdle patted Osserc’s shoulder. ‘Don’t worry about anything like that happening, warrior. We were dragons then, and that’s different.’

Osserc cleared his throat, and said, ‘I have taken a vow of celibacy. Therefore I must decline the invitation. My apologies, uh, to you both.’

‘That vow needs breaking,’ Telorast said in a growl.

He saw, with some relief, that Ardata had emerged from the temple. She strode closer. ‘Leave off him, you two. I but tolerate your presence here and you’d do well to bear that in mind.’

‘She scuttles out from the ruin, Telorast! The web trembles as our power challenges it! See the terrible strain on her face?’