‘Will you lead me to where Silchas Ruin has taken the assassin?’

‘Of course, High Priestess. But one other matter awaits us.’

‘And that is?’

‘The child upon your lap,’ Endest replied.

Startled, Orfantal fled the chamber.

* * *

Kellaras had not participated in the rough handling of Caplo Dreem. Instead, he and the other Houseblade had but followed Silchas Ruin as the lord dragged the unconscious assassin by one ankle down stairs and along corridors, to a wing of the old palace where waited scores of empty cells. For all Ruin’s outrage, the traverse had seemed cruel, but cruelty was gathering in this last remaining brother.

Selecting a cell, Silchas pulled Caplo inside, and then ordered the Houseblade to affix shackles to the man’s ankles and wrists. This action stirred Caplo to consciousness and he blinked up at the young woman, watching as the thick iron rings clicked shut one by one. His dark eyes tracked her retreat when she was done.

Silchas Ruin faced the prisoner, and made to speak, but Caplo lifted a hand with a weak gesture that rattled the links, and said, ‘My apologies, milord, for the slain guard. Impatience is a twitching blade and no thought slowed my hand. For what it is worth, it is the only crime for which I accept your purview.’

Silchas grunted. ‘An assault upon the sacred precincts of Mother Dark?’

‘She claims less of it than you think.’

‘And Draconus?’

Caplo glanced away. ‘A hard man to kill. Did I not say as much before passing out? My mumbled … confession. Let it not be said I shied from the truth.’

‘He will not demand your head, assassin?’

‘I doubt it.’

‘Why not?’

‘He’s busy.’

Silchas scowled, crossing his arms. After a moment, he cast Kellaras a beleaguered look. ‘Step forward, captain, I beg you. Convince me against persisting in wasting everyone’s time. Better yet, separate this man’s head from the rest of him.’

‘Forgive me, milord, but I don’t understand any of this. Have the Shake declared war? Is this man here at Sheccanto’s behest? True, a god died, but the blame for that must surely belong to the Azathanai, T’riss.’ Kellaras eyed the prisoner. ‘Caplo Dreem, who sent you?’

‘No one.’

Kellaras mused on that reply, and found no falsity in it. ‘Where did Warlock Resh go, when he and that Warden vanished at the Terondai?’

‘I don’t know.’

‘Then neither had knowledge of your intentions?’

Caplo grinned, moving to sit up with his back against the wall. ‘I had a suspicion. They knew that much.’

‘A suspicion? Regarding what?’

‘Oddly enough, though I found the truth of it, I find myself subsequently reluctant to pronounce it. I have,’ he added, closing his eyes as he rested his head against the wall, ‘made revision.’

‘Please explain what that means,’ Kellaras said.

‘I was in error. Not every truth is a crime. Though,’ he blinked open his eyes and smiled up at Kellaras, ‘too many of them are. Still, not this time. Foolish me, but then, ignorance is a poor excuse for anything, and I’ll not hide behind it.’

‘Do you expect to live, Caplo Dreem?’

The man shrugged, and then winced at his wounds.