Tathenal cleared his throat. ‘I see the way ahead, bold Ravast, a descent from these mountains. Be assured we shall follow your hasty plunge, and leave to you that first leap into her delighted embrace, and should Hanako’s smooth expression darken, why, we are reunited with our weapons, are we not? We shall lay out his cold body in a pool of hot blood! Hoary as Thelomen we shall cleave in half his skull to make the greenest cup for her bedside!’

Sighing, Ravast turned away. ‘Follow then, and never doubt for a moment: this throne has a new master.’

‘But I’ve yet to make toilet!’ cried Garelko in sudden dismay.

Ravast scowled. ‘Best make it a deferential one, old goat. Then catch us up in the instant past the shudder.’

Tathenal hissed in sympathy. ‘Oh, how I hate that shudder.’

Setting out, Ravast led the way, skirting the lake, and it was not long before Garelko caught up. The trail angled away from the shoreline and began its wending descent. The verdant canopy below was dark, yet lit gold here and there when the sunlight broke through the gathering clouds.

A storm was coming, blighting the day, and this lent zeal to their haste. Revelling in his youth, Ravast smiled at hearing the panting breaths of the two men behind him. While Garelko could set a matching pace for the morning, at last the creaky ancient was failing. This was a worthy pace, proof that this day had seen the world change, utterly and irrevocably. The chest could swell to such largesse, and he counselled upon himself a few moments of sober introspection. Myriad were the responsibilities of leading the pack, and it would be well to exercise some humility in his newfound power.

But there was too much pleasure, for now, to contemplate tendering mercy unto his older comrades, with their wobbly legs and watery eyes. He quickened his pace.

‘The tyrant unleashed!’ gasped Garelko somewhere behind him.

‘A storm draws upon us,’ Ravast called out over a shoulder. ‘The air is edged. Know you well this stillness. We must soon find shelter—’

‘Rain!’ shouted Tathenal. ‘Rain and flood! Rain and flood and mudslides! Rain and flood and mudslides and—’

‘Cease wailing!’ Ravast hissed. ‘Your caterwaul is a summons to the Lady of Thunder!’

‘I but remind her of our mortal selves, pup!’

‘I am pup no longer!’

‘Hear him snarl,’ Garelko said. ‘Woof woof!’

Ravast spun round. Seeing their open grins, fury filled him with sudden, searing realization. ‘You but mocked me!’

‘You’re all tuft and paws,’ Garelko said with a sneer. ‘Thought to knock the pair of us, did you? But who will guard you in the night? Perch there indeed, upon that lonely throne! I see your eyes shot through, hands trembling, limbs leaping, starting at every shadow!’

‘He ages before us,’ Tathenal added. ‘Beneath the burden of universal spite and, before long, disdain. Palpitating shell of a man, once young, once so bold! Wisdom cannot be wrested, pup!’

Ravast made fists and raised them threateningly. ‘Shall I break you both in half? Did I not defend the entire village against a Thelomen raiding party?’

‘Oh dear,’ laughed Garelko. ‘Not that again!’

Shaking his head, Tathenal said, ‘He’ll crawl to us soon enough, belly to the dust, a whimper and curled tail—’

Ravast turned on him. ‘You but await your ascent, Tathenal? Is that how it is? What have you promised Garelko here? A new mattress? What vows have you two exchanged, to keep me under your heels?’

‘It will be a fine mattress,’ Garelko said, and Tathenal nodded.

‘Now, pup,’ Garelko continued, ‘I see a clearing below and to the right, if my useless eyes are not so useless, and is that not a glimpse of slated roof, pitched just so? A beckoning abode, a serendipitous shelter, but perhaps already occupied? Must we roust some hapless denizen? Three Thel Akai need plenty of room, after all.’

‘This mockery will not be forgotten,’ Ravast promised. ‘But still, out with the weapons, in case indeed we need to shoo away some other. Garelko, take up that oafish mace and lead us on, as befits your claim of continued rule.’

Teeth bared, Garelko unslung the weapon and edged past Ravast. ‘Ah, pup, take note and see how it’s done.’

‘Just don’t bash down the door,’ Tathenal advised.

Garelko frowned. ‘Why not?’

‘We must keep out the weather, of course. This is the purpose of doors and walls and so on.’

The eldest husband paused. ‘You have a point. Suggestions?’