I didn’t give myself time to second guess my decision. I walked out of my room, straight to my front door, and stepped into the hallway. I wiped my sweaty palms on my pants and knew I needed to put these nerves to bed, but that wouldn’t happen until the night was over.

I quickly locked the door behind me and turned to his door.

Three steps. That’s all it was. I could do this.

I didn’t know why I was putting so much pressure on going over there, but it felt like just beyond that door was a whole new world filled with new friends, new adventures, new possibilities.

I didn’t realize how much I wanted something different from the life I was living, but something about Dastien’s kind smile made me realize that I could have so much more. It was time to take some risks. It was time to try something new.

I strode to his door and knocked softly. I wasn’t sure how it would sound, and I didn’t want to knock too hard, and goddammit, I was overthinking things again.

Stop that, Cassie. This is an all-new you.

A little bit of music came from the apartment just before the door opened.

And there he was. And I couldn’t breathe.

Jesus. Just…holy shit. For a second, I thought I’d been giving him more credit than was due, but nope.

I closed my mouth and prayed I wasn’t drooling, but the guy was just way too hot to be alive—alive in real life. He belonged in a magazine or a movie or the cover of a romance novel. Not standing in front of me. Not inviting me over.

His dark hair had this curling wave in it that made me want to put my hands through it. His light brown eyes drew me in, and then he smiled and the dimples showed up and…

And now I was awkwardly standing here. I should say something.

Say something, Cassie.

Say something now.

“Hi!” My loud squeak of a hello felt like ripping off a Band-Aid, but at least it was done. The awkward ice was broken.

“Hi. Come in.” He moved out of the doorway and waved me into the apartment.

Inside were two more beautiful people. The tall blond guy was also ripped like Dastien. His heather gray T-shirt was stretched tight against his biceps. It was just loose enough to give a hint at what was under it without being showy. He grinned, but it was a lazy, lopsided grin. It made him seem more chill, less intense than Dastien.

He closed the distance between us. “I’m Chris.” He held out his hand, and the second I touched him, he jerked back, dropping my hand and looking away.

If I wasn’t mistaken, he’d gone pale. Was he sick? Was it me? “Sorry. Did I—”

The girl stepped forward, blocking my view of Chris. She was wearing an outfit my mother would approve of—skin-tight jeans, high-heeled boots, and a flowing floral blouse. Her hair was dark blonde and curled all the way down her back. She had a light tan that gave her skin a glowing golden color.

“Don’t mind him.” Her smile was bright and friendly. “I’m Cosette. It’s lovely to meet you, Cassie. I hope you brought your appetite. The guys went a little nuts cooking.” She motioned to her right.

I glanced over at the table. He’d texted me a picture of it, but that didn’t do it justice. It was so full that I wasn’t sure there was enough room for our plates on it. “No kidding, but it all smells wonderful. I—” My stomach growled, and I slapped a hand over it. Could I have been more awkward? “Sorry.”

“Looks like you came to the right apartment.” Chris stepped forward, putting his arm around Cosette. He looked a little better, and he was smiling again. Whatever was bothering him must’ve passed. “Let’s eat. I’m starved.”

“Can I get you something to drink?” Dastien asked.

I realized they were all staring at m

e with the same look on their faces as if they were expecting me to say or do something, but I wasn’t sure what that something was. “Is there something wrong?”

“No!” They all yelled at once.

I stood straight. There was definitely something up, and from the way they were staring, it had to do with me.

“No, there’s nothing wrong.” Chris elbowed Dastien in the stomach.