She loved me before. I just had to remind her why.

The problem was I didn’t know why she loved me. Before, I’d been too thankful for it to examine the reasons. But I knew it wasn’t just about abs or dimples like Adrian thought. Her feelings were deeper than that.

I grunted at the security guy as I walked inside the building, waving as I opened the doors to the stairs. I didn’t like the old elevator. It stank like too many humans and their food and their garbage and things I didn’t want to think about. And I didn’t like the idea of getting stuck in it. I could get out of it just fine, but not if I wanted to keep my cover as being human.

When I reached the third floor, I pushed the door open and ran smack into someone.

I gripped their swaying shoulders, and then my heart stopped.


I’d bumped into Tessa while she was exiting the elevator.

Through the magic, I stared into her brown eyes. They were open wide with her surprise. Her brown hair was tangled into a knot on top of her head. Her mouth was popped open, and I wanted to bite her bottom lip. I needed to—

I forced my raging wolf to shut up and took a breath. “I’m sorry.” I shoved the wolf down, down, down. He couldn’t be trusted. “I didn’t see you. Are you okay?”

She blinked slowly. “I’m…fine?”

I should let go of her.

I should let go of her now.

I didn’t want to let go because when I did, I wouldn’t see her anymore. I’d see the magic. But I had to let go of her if I didn’t want her thinking I was some creeper.

I dropped my hands and stepped back, and she didn’t look like Tessa anymore. She was suddenly taller—at least a good eight inches taller than the real Tessa. Her hair was a dull and flat dishwater blonde. Her eyes weren’t so big or doelike, and their light blue was the wrong color. Her nose was too big for her face. The person in front of me didn’t look a thing like the woman I fell in love with, but it was still her.

It was still her.

And I should really say something before it got really awkward. “Sorry. I was out for a jog, and…” I motioned to the stairs. “Did I hurt you?”

“I’m okay,” she said the words, but she sounded like it was just an autoresponse.

She hadn’t heard what I said because she was too busy staring at my abs.

I’d gotten sweaty and took off my T-shirt a while ago. Mid-May was pretty fucking hot in LA, and that had been longer than I’d planned to run. My shirt was tucked into the back of my shorts, which gave her a clear view of sweaty abs.

I let her stare for a second longer before clearing my throat.

Her eyes darted to my face, and her cheeks pinked in a way that was just so Tessa that it made me smile.

Her eyes widened, and she let out a little oooh before she stopped herself. “Hi. Umm…you new? I mean—not new as in dumb but as in new to the apartments. I don’t think I’ve seen you around before.”

She was rambling. This was good. This was very good.

Maybe Adrian was on to something. Maybe it was all about abs and dimples.

Now, I had to be smooth. “I moved into 310 last night.”

“Oh.” She nodded. “Across the hall from me. I didn’t know Steven was moving out.”

I shrugged. “I think he just moved a few floors up, but yeah. I’m there if you ever need anything.” Please need something. Anything.

“Okay. Thanks.”

I nodded. “Of course.” And then I did the most painful thing I’ve ever done.

I walked away.