A couple of shocked gasps came from my students.

“Sorry. I…” I glanced to Roan, not sure how to fix this.

He looped his arm with mine. “One second. Gotta talk strategy with my girl before we start.” Roan dragged me toward the make-shift locker room.

“We’ll be right back,” I said looking over my shoulder at the class. “Try doing bunkai number eight to stay warm. Yvette? You help lead.”

Yvette nodded. “You got it.”

That gave us a second, and by the look on Roan’s face, I was about to get an earful.

“Jesus. You’re going to get us killed,” Roan whispered as soon as we were through the curtain. At least he wasn’t mad enough to forget that if anyone—even one of my students—found out I was a halfer, we’d both be as good as dead. “The implant still bothering you?”

“Bothering is too nice of a word.” I bit down on the tip of my finger for a second, feeling the microscopic chip beneath my skin. “It feels like a hot poker is stabbing my finger. The alerts from my contact lens were bad, but I turned them off and I’m still feeling the frequency shifts.”

“How often?”

“It feels like every other minute, but maybe more like every ten. I thought shutting down my email would help, but… I hate it.” I spat the words out. It was the truth. I hated every damned second that this piece of shit tech sat under my skin. “I have to get it removed or else I’ll end up cutting it out or—”

“No. You can’t. Not after everything we went through to get it in the first place. The fake ID. The sketchy doctor. And I could get in so much shit if they find out I was the one who replaced your blood sample. No fucking way, Maité.” He stepped closer to me, and I could almost feel the heat of Roan’s anger. “We’ve talked about this. You gotta start blending in better. Most people have their neural lace implanted straight onto their brain by now, and—”

“But I’m half alien.”

“Don’t say that word.” His tone was outraged, but for no good reason.

“It’s not a dirty word. It’s what I am. I’m half Aunare. And that side of me is stronger than the Earther side. My kind can’t have implanted tech. I’m too sensitive for it. This will kill me—or worse—drive me insane. There’s no way I’d survive lacing my brain, so don’t even start with that again.” A neural lace hardwired all of a person’s apps, calls, games, and everything else they wanted straight into their cerebral cortex for maximum convenience. Earthers loved it, but if a simple finger implant and AR contact lens nearly drove me crazy with jolts of fire-hot pain, that kind of tech would kill me for sure.

“So, what now? You get your dinky-assed implant taken out and then go back to using a wrist unit? And then what’s going to happen to you?”

“It worked before.” My words were mumbled. I knew I couldn’t go back to that. I’d stick out, and I already looked too Aunare as it was.

“It worked because we were kids. We all had wrist units back then. But in a few days, you’re going to be eighteen. You can maybe pass for sixteen—maybe—but not once someone talks to you. You act and sound much older than you are. And I get it. You’ve been through shit. But babe, by sixteen most people already have the neural net. You need this implant or you’re going to get caught. And we both know what happens then.”

He was right. I knew it, but I still wanted the implant gone. It’d been a couple of weeks, and the burning pain was getting worse. Maybe if I—

“No way. Stop it.” Roan cut off my thoughts. “I know that look. You’re about to argue with me, but you’re just being stubborn and you’re wrong. You’re just going to have to suck it up. SpaceTech will kill you if they find you. Your family and your friends. Anyone who spent any significant time with you. Which means me. You have to get your shit together and stop cussing every time that thing gets an alert. People will start to notice. Not everyone is as smart as you, but not everyone is a freaking moron either. And you’re not some ordinary halfer. If they find out exactly who you are, there will be war.”

I rubbed the bridge of my nose, trying to find my Zen. “I know. I know. I’ll figure something out and—”

Someone tapped on my shoulder, and I spun. One of my newest students—Hillary—let out a gasp at my too-quick movement and I winced.

Shit. Shit. Just fucking shit. I’d moved too fast. Aunare weren’t like Earthers. They were an elegant race built for speed and fighting. It’s why I taught the class. Fighting for me was like breathing. But I couldn’t show these kids who I was. What I was.

When I taught my classes, it was painfully hard not to give in. Not to let my body move like it could. And in that one second, I’d given myself away.

Roan was right. I hadn’t lived this long to be stupid now, but the implant was distracting me. It was making me too on edge, and I couldn’t afford to forget my Earther façade for even a for even a second.

Hillary’s eyes were wide as she stared up at me. She’d had a close call a couple weeks ago and ended up in my class a little battered and bruised, but I saw the will to fight burning in her. I wanted to make sure that next time, she’d fight and win. “Are you— Was that—” She was too afraid to ask what I was.

“Sorry. You startled me.” I’d found that if you explained a movement away as being scared or excited or some other extreme emotion, most Earthers dismissed it. They didn’t want to find an Aunare living on this planet, especially if it’s someone they’d been spending significant time with. Hillary had been here every night for three weeks.

“Oh. Sorry,” she said, and her shoulders relaxed. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“Everything okay?” I asked.

“We only have twenty minutes left in class.” She swallowed. “I need the practice.” Her words were barely audible.

I immediately felt guilty. “Of course. I’m so sorry I got distracted. Apparently, I’m having a day.” I shoved through the curtain. “Okay, everyone. I promise to stay focused on your training the rest of class.” My finger burned again and I bit my tongue. I swallowed the coppery tang of blood in my mouth along with another curse that was begging to slip out.