Someone picked me up, cradled me gently in their arms, and carried me across the room.

“I think I have to go back to my apartment. I’m sorry. You went to all this trouble, but I—”

“Shhh. Don’t talk,” Dastien whispered in my ear.

He put me on something soft—must’ve been the couch—and there was some rustling around. I wanted to know what was happening, but I couldn’t think past the pain.

A warm hand pressed against my forehead, and there was a quiet murmuring in a language I didn’t understand.

The pain started to go away, and I blinked my eyes open. It was too bright, and I squeezed them closed.

“Turn out the lights, Dastien.” Cosette’s words were quiet, but the command was clear.

There was a click.

Cosette massaged my temples for a second, murmuring something else before sighing. “Okay. I think that’s better. Try opening them now.”

I blinked my eyes open, and it was much better. They’d left on a light in a room down the hallway, and it was enough to see by. “I’m sorry to cause—”

Cosette moved her hand from my forehead and sat on the pouf in front of me. “Do you get migraines often?”

Sometimes I got them every day, and then I’d go months with none. It didn’t make any sense. “They’re a side effect from my accident.”


“Yeah.” I tried to sit up, but the room swam.

Cosette put her hand on my shoulder. “Just stay still for a minute.”

I lay back on the couch. “I was in a car accident a while back and suffered a head injury. I lost most of my memory from before the accident, and sometimes get these episodes that land me in the hospital for a few days. But mostly, I’m okay now.” I looked at the guys. They were standing shoulder to shoulder behind Cosette as they watched us. “I should go. My head’s feeling better, but I ruined—”

Cosette grabbed my hand. “You ruined nothing. Stay. Eat.”

“Are you sure?” I looked over at the table. “The painting! Where—”

“I moved it to my bedroom,” Dastien said. “It was hurting you to look at it, so I moved it.”

Shit. I was the worst guest ever. He shouldn’t have to redecorate because of me. “But—”

“Don’t worry about the painting. It would bother me a lot more if you left before getting to eat.” He gave me a smile that was soft and sweet and made me think that he was telling the truth.

“If you’re sure…”

Cosette stood and tugged on my hand, pulling me up with her. “Come on. Let’s get some food in you. It might help your head.”

I thought about leaving, but I was hungry and they did go through all the trouble of cooking. And they’d moved the painting.

Plus, Cosette was right. Food usually helped with the headaches. “Okay.”

I followed Cosette’s lead and sat at the table. There were a few lit candles on the table and in the kitchen that I didn’t notice before they’d turned out the lights. It was just enough to see by, but not so much that it would bother my head.

Cosette had been with me, which meant that the guys had done that. I couldn’t believe how nice they were to go so far out of their way for a total stranger.

Dastien placed a tall glass filled with ice and a can of Diet Coke in front of me. “Thanks.”

“My pleasure.”

Chris handed out plates, and I took one from him.