The doors burst open behind us as Chris and Cosette entered the small chapel.

“Eli. You asshole.” Cosette was so angry, it was a wonder the walls weren’t burning. “You knew this whole time.”

“Hello, cousin!” Eli’s grin turned ten percent evil. “Nice of you to show up. I’m doing well, thank you.”

Cosette’s heeled boots clacked on the floor with every step as she stormed up to Eli. “I’m not your cousin.” She poked him in the chest.

“Po-tay-toh, po-tah-toh.” Eli shrugged as if having that much fury blasted at him by the princess of the Lunar Court was no big deal. “I knew where she was, but the timing had to be right. And when it was, I set up the meet. You’re welcome.”

“Thank you,” I said to Eli. “I appreciate your help.”

“Don’t worry. You’ll pay me back later.” And before I could process that threat, Eli was gone.

Cosette let out a high-pitched screech and lunged into the empty space where Eli had just been.

Chris wrapped his arm around her and whispered something.

She let out a sigh and then turned to me. “Sorry. I just—Eli drives me crazy.”

For the first time in a while, I smiled. At least it was someone else that was acting crazy this time and not me. “I can see that.”

“What did he say?”

“That only true love—” Samantha let out a sarcastic ha! “—will break the magic on Tessa.”

“I just got here, and I haven’t even given it a shot yet.” Cosette’s voice had a tinge of whiny toddler to it. “How does he know what I can and cann

ot do?”

“Because he’s an archon,” Samantha muttered softly to herself, but we could all hear it.

“Please,” I said before Cosette could rant at Samantha. From the way Cosette poked at Eli, I was sure she’d love another target. And since I knew Cosette could materialize a weapon out of thin air, it was time to change the subject. “Anything you could do to help Tessa would be really appreciated.”

“I’ll do what I can, but if that’s what Eli said…” She drew herself up and closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them again, she seemed much more reserved. “I want to be mad at him, but Eli’s usually right. Unfortunately. But I’m not giving up just because that’s what he said. I still have to try.”

I wanted to say thank you so badly, but I couldn’t. Cosette was too fey for that. So, I nodded.

“They’re keeping Dastien away from Tessa, just in case he sets off another seizure,” Samantha said. “I’ll show you the way.”

“I can’t go back to that waiting room. I was going crazy in there. I’ll just stay put.” I couldn’t do any good waiting in the halls, but if there was ever a time for prayers, now was it. “If anything works—”

“We’ll get you,” Cosette said.

Good. That was good enough.

I didn’t wait for them to say anything more before moving to the front pew. I waited until I heard the door swing shut, and then I let out my breath in a long, low sigh.

“That sounded like a lot.” The rasp in Chris’s voice was thick.

I looked up to see Chris standing at the end of the pew. I hadn’t heard him. Sneaky bastard.

“Can I sit?” He motioned to the pew.

“I’m not great company. I was going to…”


I nodded, not sure why I couldn’t say the words. Except that if I was praying, then that meant I didn’t believe Cosette could break the magic. And if she couldn’t, I was afraid that I might never…