That was good. That was better than good. “Who?”

“My mother, among

others. Which we knew, but it would definitely take more than just my mother to pull it off. Changling magic isn’t her forte.”

Great. The one fey we couldn’t go after mixed in with more fey.

“If I can find who else participated, I might be able to track Tessa,” Van said quickly. “I’m going to court. I have—”

“We can’t go back to Helen. Not again. We don’t want a war with the fey.” Michael dropped his hand from my shoulder. “I’m not sure who would win. We have to find Tessa while keeping the peace.”

“We’ve got power on our side. Major archon power,” Chris said.

The fey on the call started arguing with werewolves over who was more powerful, but it was all bullshit. Total bullshit that didn’t matter.

“Be careful,” Claudia said, and the argument dropped off. “Whoever is involved in taking my cousin, they’re dangerous.”

“We’ll be at the airport in a minute,” Michael said.

I looked out the window, seeing—really looking—at what was out there.

He was right. I recognized the oil pumpjacks on the hills. We were ten minutes away, give or take. “I’ve got to go. Send me the address, Meredith.”

“Just sent it. Service is slow here, but it should come through in a sec.”

“Thanks.” I hung up before all the awkward goodbyes and well-wishing could start.

The fey had taken her. My ex had helped. They were answers, but dark worries kept filtering through my mind. “What if they’re hurting her? What if—”

“You can’t think of the ifs. Only what is.” Michael was using his calm, soothing Alpha voice with me, but I wasn’t sure it would work. “Tessa’s missing, but she’s alive. Someone who knew how to navigate your pack ties let the fey access them. The magic that took her from us is something only a very powerful fey could do. This is all great information. We have a real destination now. Shannon and Imogene hate Tessa and have the means to access your bonds. That’s a starting point. That’s the best news we’ve had in two weeks.

“It might not feel like it, but we’ve made a lot of progress in just two weeks.” Michael’s reasoning was starting to get through to me. “With missing supernaturals, it can take a lot longer to find someone than if this were just a human kidnapping. And her chances of surviving this are still very high. Okay?”

He was right. I knew it. I wanted to find Tessa now, today, immediately, but it could take time. The fey magic we were fighting against was powerful. “Okay.”

My cell phone pinged, and I grabbed it from my lap. There was a text from Meredith. An address and another apology. “I have their address.”

It’s okay, I sent back to her.

And then I texted the pilot with our destination. We’d be in the air soon. Five hours—give or take—to Miami. Maybe forty minutes from the airport to Imogene’s condo.

Then I’d find some answers.

I could take six more hours.

I could hold on to hope for that long.

Chapter Nine


Fourteen Days, Eight Hours Missing

* * *

It was late morning when we landed in Miami. We went straight to their condo. I didn’t see the city or the drive. I was a robot, letting Michael drive while I rode along on autopilot. I’d gotten texts throughout the flight that my friends were there for support, no matter what happened, but I couldn’t bring myself to answer any of them. I wasn’t sure what to say because there was really nothing to say that they didn’t already know.

I was scared and frantic, and I needed to find my mate. Now.