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PS: My next release is On Mission, Book Three in the Aunare Chronicles. Due out December 1, 2020! The Aunare Chronicles might be different from the Alpha Girl series in terms of genre, but it's got the same non-stop action, kick-ass heroines, swoon-worthy heroes, and some flaming hot romance. (Read: FLAMING. HOT. In book 2, if you know what I mean. ??) If you haven't checked out the series yet, please give it a shot. Keep reading for a sample from Book 1, Off Planet.

Now available from USA TODAY Bestselling Author, Aileen Erin

Off Planet, Book One of the Aunare Chronicles.

Click here to order!

Keep reading for a blurb and sample chapters!

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Maité Martinez has always yearned for more than waitressing in a greasy diner, especially when most people have left the polluted ruins of Earth behind for a better life on other planets. It’s not just working at the diner that’s making life hard for her. Being a half-human, half-alien girl has never been trickier. With the corporate government hunting down the last of her father’s alien Aunare race living on Earth, hiding her growing special abilities has become a full-time job on its own.

Every minute Maité stays on Earth is one minute closer to getting caught. The stress is almost more than she can bear, and when a fancy Space Tech officer gets handsy with her at the diner, she reacts without thinking.

Breaking the officer’s nose wasn’t her smartest move. Now she’s faced with three years forced labor on the volcano planet, Abbadon. With the job she’s slotted for, it may as well have been a death sentence.

It doesn’t take Maité long before she realizes there’s more to the mining on Abbadon than Space Tech has let on. As she makes unlikely allies, Maité uncovers Space Tech’s plot to nuke the Aunare homeworld. The firepower stored in Abbadon’s warehouses is more than enough to do the job ten times over.

As the clock ticks, Maité knows that if she can’t find a way to stop Space Tech, there will be an interstellar war big enough to end all life in the universe. There’s only one question: Can she prevent the total annihilation of humanity without getting herself killed in the process?

Off Planet


A chorus of shouts rippled through the room, sending a zing of energy up my spine. The warehouse’s old wooden floors creaked as the class launched into a jump kick. Not even the mats I’d scrounged from around Albuquerque could mask the noise of the battered floorboards.

The massive room was good enough for us to hold a class in and not much else. I’d created a little makeshift locker room in the back with a floral curtain and a few cubbies where the students could stash their stuff. A few industrial lights hung down from the ceiling. They weren’t very bright, but they also didn’t cost much to keep turned on, which was essential since I was on a budget. I’d shoved a small, battered desk I’d found abandoned in an alley in the corner and some outdated vidscreens hung on the wall. I didn’t watch much on them, but I liked to check the news and a selection of social channels—both legit and off the grid resistance sites—before leaving. It was dangerous out there, especially for halfers like me, but I was a girl who knew how to survive.

Except for the study area and the lockers, the warehouse was just one massive open space that looked like it could fall down on our heads at any second, but thankfully, it was studier than it appeared. My students didn’t care about aesthetics. The tiny fee they paid was barely enough to keep the lights on. My students came here to learn how to fight, and that was the only thing that mattered.

We finished the warm-up and the students bowed. I took in the twenty-three people standing in front of me. Their spines stiff. Most wore some type of active gear, but a few were in pajamas. I didn’t require white karate gis or hand out colored belts. None of that was important in here. My only goal was to make sure these Earther kids survived the walk home from school every day.

“Good job, everyone.” The girls relaxed their stance. This class was my beginner level. The students were only a few years younger than me—fourteen-ish, give or take a year—but they seemed like babies to me. Probably because none of them lived under constant mortal fear like I did. I was pretty sure that kind of danger had aged me faster than most, but rampant crime—especially personal assaults—were at an all-time high. If these kids wanted to make it through the next decade of their lives unscathed, they were going to have to toughen up.

“We’re sparring tonight.” That got me a few smiles. Most looked a little nervous, but no one looked particularly freaked out. “This is going to be fun. I promise.” I gave them a smile, hoping to put them at ease. “It’s important to try what we’ve learned on an opponent. Roan!” I yelled for my best friend to join us, and he waddled out from behind the curtain where he’d been putting on thick, head-to-toe padding.

“You all need to feel okay about beating the crap out of someone, so Roan’s going to be our punching bag.” Roan somehow managed to wrap an arm around me even with the constraining pads, and I nudged him softly. “Don’t be afraid to rip into this guy.”

“Hey,” Roan’s light green eyes filled with laughter, and he tugged on my braided hair. “Don’t listen to Maité. I have plans tonight. Don’t want to mess up my face.”

“That’s why you’re going to put

on the mask I gave you,” I said.

“You didn’t tell me Yvette was in this class,” Roan murmured in my ear. “Been trying to get a date with her sister for years. Think she’ll put in a good word for me?”

“Roan.” The word was a warning, but he looked at me with wide, innocent eyes. I elbowed him in the stomach—this time harder. He let out an “oof.”

Roan wasn’t the least bit intimidating. At three inches shorter than me and a little too energetic to be anything but adorable, he was more like a speedy teddy bear than anything else. He could keep up with me and made me laugh constantly. Which is why he’d been my best friend for nearly a decade, but his timing needed work. “If anything happens to them because you were goofing off when—”

“Come on, Maité. I’ll do my job here. But that doesn’t mean we can’t make this fun, okay?”

“This is too important to mess up,” I whispered. The truth sat like a ball of molten lava in my stomach. Life was dangerous out there for all kids. They had to be able to defend themselves. “All right. Who wants to go—” A sharp burn ran through my finger and I couldn’t stop the curse from flying out as I shook my hand.