For now.

Also by Aileen Erin

The Complete Alpha Girl Series

Becoming Alpha

Avoiding Alpha

Alpha Divided


Alpha Unleashed

Shattered Pack

Being Alpha

Lunar Court

Alpha Erased

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The Shadow Ravens Series


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The Aunare Chronicles

Off Planet

Off Balance

On Mission - forthcoming

To My Readers

Oh boy, has the Alpha Girl series gone on a journey. I truly hope you enjoyed reading Alpha Erased. I bet you're wondering if this is the end of the series--it's the question I get asked the MOST. Answer: yes, I’m calling the series complete because it’s the end for now. I'm so excited to be taking a break from the Alpha Girls series to spin Samantha off into her own trilogy.

For those of you following along the series from the beginning, you know that I almost ended the series with Alpha Unleashed. I was planning on writing Samantha's book—Invocation—after Unleashed launched in Sept of 2015, but I got so many emails from all of you, that I canceled that book to write more for Tessa and her friends.

But the deeper I got into the Alpha Girl books, the more Samantha wanted to come forward, until I finally sneaked her into Being Alpha and Alpha Erased.

Samantha's books will be a little darker, a little spookier, and have a solid, slow-burn romance over the series arc. You'll also see a certain archon popping, aaand she might ask for that favor Tessa and Dastien owe her.

Look for Invocation coming your way in the fall/winter of 2021.

Will Tessa, Dastien, Meredith, Claudia, Cosette, Chris and the rest be back after that? We’ll just have to see what the fates have planned… ????

Join the Ink Monster newsletter for updates, and keep in touch via my Instagram - @aileenerin and the Ink Monster Superfans group on Facebook. Those two places are where I post the most. ??

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