It didn’t feel like I’d earned all of this, but after what I’d been through, it felt like I’d won a prize.

Was it worth it? I wasn’t sure, but things had quieted down. There were no middle-of-the-night fights. No alarms waking me up. A few human groups were grumbling about us being made from the devil, but the vast majority accepted us. Everything had been quiet—beyond quiet—and for once, I could relax.

I was currently in the pool, drifting in the water on a pink mesh float, and living in a golden state of zen. I hadn’t even thought about putting in a pool—especially since we had the pond—but Axel told Dastien how much time I used to spend in our pool in LA. My brother won mega points with that move. The pool was my favorite place ever.

The days had cooled a bit, but the water was heated. The sun was hot on my face, and I didn’t mind the little bit of chill in the air. Birds chirped in the distance and cicadas were making their buzzing music and I knew this was home.

The peace in my soul and the happiness in my heart were enough to tell me I’d found my place. My home.

“We have a meeting with the others in an hour,” Dastien said from his spot floating beside me. “We should probably get out of the pool.”

That sounded exactly like something I didn’t want to do. “Can we skip it?”

The council met every week to assess any threats or problems that were brewing that could become threats. Dastien had been calling in when needed, but they’d let me skip so far. They were doing fine without me there, and I didn’t feel ready to go back. Not yet.

Dastien slid off of the float and stood in the water next to me. “Do you want to pull away from the council? We can. No one would think twice after what we’ve been through. It wouldn’t have to be forever.”

We’d gone back and forth about this over and over and over. I just didn’t know if I could or if I should. I wasn’t a quitter, but I still didn’t feel a need to participate.

At first, I thought it was because I was tired, but I wasn’t anymore. I was rested. Well-rested. I’d gained back the weight I’d lost—thanks to Dastien hounding me. I was stronger than I’d been before all of this happened. Stronger than I’d ever been.

But something was still holding me back.

And then that had me asking another hard question—if I did pull back, what would I do?

I was twenty-one years old. Part werewolf, part witch, formerly human, with a hint of fey magic running through my soul. My magic was the center of a council that protected the seal that separated Earth from Hell and kept the demons where they belonged. They needed me.

But right now, there was nothing to fight. No battles to win. No need for my visions to save us from war.

Everything was quiet.

Everyone was safe: my parents, my friends, my mate.

This was everything I’d been dreaming of.

What’s next, chérie? Anything is possible. We could even go to college. You could finish the degree you started. We can travel. We can stay here. You only have to choose what you want.

I’d thought about school, too, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to go back. I’d also thought about going to LA and hounding Samantha until she spilled what was wrong with her, but she told me to give her time. So, I was giving her time. I had a feeling she’d be calling in that favor soon, and when she did, we’d be there.

Until then, I wasn’t sure of much except Dastien. I don’t know what I want to do, but whatever it is, I know I have to be with you. We can’t be apart again.

That’s not a choice. Y

ou’re stuck with me. He pressed his lips against mine. Forever.

Forever. I slid off the float and into his arms.

I wasn’t sure what would come next or how long the peace would last, but for now, it was quiet.

I was going to enjoy every single ounce of peace I found and be thankful for it.

And maybe when the next battle came, I would be ready to lead again.

But for now, it was me and Dastien.

Dastien and me.

That was all I wanted. That was more than enough for me.